Anyway, my sister is still here until today and I wanted sort of a special kind of breakfast. One that she and her husband would never have. Then I remember what I had seen the other day in Starbuck's! A great big huge, honkin' Apple Fritter. I just knew I had to make them!!!! I didn't want the big ones just the nice tiny little balls all covered with some sweet and gooey icing sugar. This was a wonderful surprise for everyone as they woke up to fresh coffee and homemade apple fritters. Sunday's don't get much better than that do they?
They were delicious and I will be making these again and again. They came together real quick and were not a fussy donut. They were not a yeast donut but not heavy and cakey at all! I want to try them with some whole wheat flout the next time I make them so will let you know how they turn out then. Until then this recipe will do!!!

Apple Fritters (From The Picky Apple)
- 1 cup all purpose flour
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 3/4 teaspoon salt
- 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1/3 cup milk
- 1 egg
- 1 cup chopped apple
- 2 cups powdered sugar
- 1 1/2 tablespoons milk
I am submitting this to BYOB (Bake Your Own Bread) hosted by Sandy of At the Baker's Bench. This is a great challenge to get you baking more of your own baked goods. Better for you and cheaper in the process!
As Always...
Happy Entertaining!!!
These look Awesome, Judy!
*mouth watering*
I've got everything in the pantry to make these- YEAH!!!!
Mmm... those look really delicious!
hey judy! Hope you're doing well...I just wanted to let you know that I tried a handful of your cookie recipes over Christmas...LOVED them :) This one looks great too...so I'll probably be trying it soon!
I've never made them, but maybe I should because they look tasty!
Wow, those bring back memories! Me and my dad used to get apple fritters from a little doughnut shop down the street from our house when I was a kid. I have to make those soon!
Waking up to the smell of these fritters baking would certainly start my day off right! They look delicious! I'm sure they were a big hit!
Looks great Judy! The perfect send off for your sister...
Good thing I just finished my shredded wheat or I'd be down foraging in the kitchen for something sweet after looking at these morsels! Totally yummy!
Can I have a dozen please!! OMG these look incredible!!
I would be soooo happy to have those for Sunday breakfast (and seeing as they're so easy to make, I reckon I will soon!) :)
Wow Judy.These came out perfect.
Oh, yum.
Those look like the perfect breakfast treat... and not at all greasy like some of the bakery versions!
I think I'm gaining weight just looking at these -- but oh, what fun!
These look amazing! What a fun treat for breakfast.
What I wouldn't give to wake up to apple fritters and coffee! Divinity! Oohhh do let us know how the whole wheat flour goes. I would love to try that.
OMG, my whole first trimester was spent waiting in line at our local orchard's bakery for some fresh apple fritters. And now, thanks to you, I don't have to even leave the house for them!!!!
Apple Fritters for brekkie...WHY NOT!!!!!!!
apple fritters--appropriate for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, or all of the above (and--shameless plug--for my cinnamon celebration). nicely done! :)
When I was in elementary school, my dad would take me to this homey restaurant for breakfast every Wednesday before school/work, and I always got apple fritters. Theirs were perfectly round, golden brown, and sprinkled with powdered sugar. The restaurant closed down by the time I was in high school, and on early mornings I still sometimes miss those fritters...
Thanks reminding me. And for posting the recipe! :)
Oh wow do those look amazing! Yummy Judy.. so delicious looking!
This looks yummy, you make me want to bake today, have been lazy for a while. How far away is Cape Coral to Tampa, I am travelling from Switzerland to Tampa next week with my husband along with his biz trip.
Looks amazing! I'd have these for breakfast any day.
I don't know if anyone already said it, but try slipping a slice of sharp cheddar into the middle of one of those puppies.
Not sure if I'd have these for brekkie but this would be a fine dessert, with coffee, dusted cinnamon and sugar.
I will!
I can't think of an occasion when I would turn down down an apple fritter, or any fritter for that matter.
I am so making these soon. I have so many baked goods in my house now we are on a permanent sugar high. So as we come down, this is my first recipe.
That's it Judy - I'm kidnapping you!! Why do you not live in my house?? Why?!? :)
I must stay far FAR away from this post. Those look freakin delicious. I will stay on my healthy eating binge though... sadly...
Want. Those. Now.
Those look so good! It has been way too long since I last had apple fritters.
I wanted something sweet and had nothing here in the house..I did however have some apples and the other ingredients I needed..I made these for myself and my husband..Wow - they were not only easy to make but came out absolutely delicious and beautiful..So good that 2 days later made them again but added some fresh ginger. Thanks for such an easy and lovely recipe.
Oh these look lovely. I researched for some apple fritters recipes and came across these article, which happened to have an apple fritter recipe, that is also easy to make. Oh my I am going to make these today! Thank you for the lovely recipe and I hope you share some more recipes.
I'm so glad you liked my recipe! I love apple fritters! I haven't made these in a while, but I think I'm going to have to make them this weekend! Thanks again for the kind words about the apple fritters!
i subbed apple cider for the milk in the fritter recipe.. sooo delicious!!
I must tell you I LOVED them, very light and good texture/ chew at the same time :) also loved how fast and easy it is, whipped em up in 10 minutes, and fried em like in 5 pretty quick for a nice breakfast, snack or dessert. Thanks for sharing :)
I made these yesterday and came back to see if anyone else noticed that 1-1/2T of milk w/ 2C of powdered sugar, wasn't enough milk?
I had to add a little over 1/3C of milk to get it to "drizzle".
Don't get me wrong...they were fantastic...yum!
I found this recipe yesterday when I did a google search for apple fritters. And, I made 2 batches last night. Wow! They are SO easy and So delicious! My children and my husband thank you.
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