Today we basically hung around the house today just hanging out. I made dinner and had it all ready to go for when T. got home. I made my favorite dinner-Roasted garlic, tomato and basil with pasta. I went to the u-Pick and got my tomatoes and used the basil from my little container garden out front. The roasted garlic is incredible! I also bought a bunch of tomatoes that they were selling cheap so I could seed and skin them and freeze them for sometime later in the summer when I needed tomatoes and couldn't get them! That's my job tonight after we get the girls down!
We spent the day riding our bikes and swimming in the pool...well the girls were swimming and I watched.
As Always...
Happy Entertaining!!!
Get out! How cute is she!?
She is way too cute. It's one of her main problems!
What we call our Summer Spaghetti and very similar to yours has always been our favourite Judy. I change it up and eat it often. I still have to add roasted garlic to mine...next time:D I loved playing in the pool when we were kids..it makes the lazy, hazy days of summer so much fun:D
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