
Monday, February 2, 2009

Apple Fritters for Breakfast?

I woke up early Sunday morning and the house was silent. I looked at the wasn't that early but everyone seemed to be snoozing well. Strange thing in my house. Usually at least one other person is up when I am.

Anyway, my sister is still here until today and I wanted sort of a special kind of breakfast. One that she and her husband would never have. Then I remember what I had seen the other day in Starbuck's! A great big huge, honkin' Apple Fritter. I just knew I had to make them!!!! I didn't want the big ones just the nice tiny little balls all covered with some sweet and gooey icing sugar. This was a wonderful surprise for everyone as they woke up to fresh coffee and homemade apple fritters. Sunday's don't get much better than that do they?

They were delicious and I will be making these again and again. They came together real quick and were not a fussy donut. They were not a yeast donut but not heavy and cakey at all! I want to try them with some whole wheat flout the next time I make them so will let you know how they turn out then. Until then this recipe will do!!!

Apple Fritters (From The Picky Apple)

  • 1 cup all purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/3 cup milk
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup chopped apple
  • 2 cups powdered sugar
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons milk
Directions: Combine flour, sugar, salt, baking powder, cinnamon. Stir in milk and egg until just combined. Fold in apple. Pour oil into skillet so that it is approximately 1 1/2 deep. Heat oil on high. Oil is ready when dough floats to top. Carefully add dough to oil in heaping teaspoons. Cook until brown, about 2 minutes, then flip. Cook another 1-2 minutes, until both sides are browned. Transfer briefly to paper towels to absorb excess oil, then transfer to cooling rack. Make glaze by stirring milk and powdered sugar together in a small bowl. Drizzle over apple fritters. Wait approximately 3 minutes for glaze to harden, then flip fritters and drizzle glaze over the other side. Best served warm.
I am submitting this to BYOB (Bake Your Own Bread) hosted by Sandy of At the Baker's Bench. This is a great challenge to get you baking more of your own baked goods. Better for you and cheaper in the process!
As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!



  1. These look Awesome, Judy!
    *mouth watering*

    I've got everything in the pantry to make these- YEAH!!!!

  2. Mmm... those look really delicious!

  3. hey judy! Hope you're doing well...I just wanted to let you know that I tried a handful of your cookie recipes over Christmas...LOVED them :) This one looks great I'll probably be trying it soon!

  4. I've never made them, but maybe I should because they look tasty!

  5. Wow, those bring back memories! Me and my dad used to get apple fritters from a little doughnut shop down the street from our house when I was a kid. I have to make those soon!

  6. Waking up to the smell of these fritters baking would certainly start my day off right! They look delicious! I'm sure they were a big hit!

  7. Looks great Judy! The perfect send off for your sister...

  8. Good thing I just finished my shredded wheat or I'd be down foraging in the kitchen for something sweet after looking at these morsels! Totally yummy!

  9. Can I have a dozen please!! OMG these look incredible!!

  10. I would be soooo happy to have those for Sunday breakfast (and seeing as they're so easy to make, I reckon I will soon!) :)

  11. Oh, yum.
    Those look like the perfect breakfast treat... and not at all greasy like some of the bakery versions!

  12. I think I'm gaining weight just looking at these -- but oh, what fun!

  13. These look amazing! What a fun treat for breakfast.

  14. What I wouldn't give to wake up to apple fritters and coffee! Divinity! Oohhh do let us know how the whole wheat flour goes. I would love to try that.


  15. OMG, my whole first trimester was spent waiting in line at our local orchard's bakery for some fresh apple fritters. And now, thanks to you, I don't have to even leave the house for them!!!!

  16. apple fritters--appropriate for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, or all of the above (and--shameless plug--for my cinnamon celebration). nicely done! :)

  17. When I was in elementary school, my dad would take me to this homey restaurant for breakfast every Wednesday before school/work, and I always got apple fritters. Theirs were perfectly round, golden brown, and sprinkled with powdered sugar. The restaurant closed down by the time I was in high school, and on early mornings I still sometimes miss those fritters...

    Thanks reminding me. And for posting the recipe! :)

  18. Oh wow do those look amazing! Yummy Judy.. so delicious looking!

  19. This looks yummy, you make me want to bake today, have been lazy for a while. How far away is Cape Coral to Tampa, I am travelling from Switzerland to Tampa next week with my husband along with his biz trip.

  20. Looks amazing! I'd have these for breakfast any day.

  21. I don't know if anyone already said it, but try slipping a slice of sharp cheddar into the middle of one of those puppies.

  22. Not sure if I'd have these for brekkie but this would be a fine dessert, with coffee, dusted cinnamon and sugar.

    I will!

  23. I can't think of an occasion when I would turn down down an apple fritter, or any fritter for that matter.

  24. I am so making these soon. I have so many baked goods in my house now we are on a permanent sugar high. So as we come down, this is my first recipe.

  25. That's it Judy - I'm kidnapping you!! Why do you not live in my house?? Why?!? :)

  26. I must stay far FAR away from this post. Those look freakin delicious. I will stay on my healthy eating binge though... sadly...

  27. Those look so good! It has been way too long since I last had apple fritters.

  28. I wanted something sweet and had nothing here in the house..I did however have some apples and the other ingredients I needed..I made these for myself and my husband..Wow - they were not only easy to make but came out absolutely delicious and beautiful..So good that 2 days later made them again but added some fresh ginger. Thanks for such an easy and lovely recipe.

  29. Oh these look lovely. I researched for some apple fritters recipes and came across these article, which happened to have an apple fritter recipe, that is also easy to make. Oh my I am going to make these today! Thank you for the lovely recipe and I hope you share some more recipes.

  30. I'm so glad you liked my recipe! I love apple fritters! I haven't made these in a while, but I think I'm going to have to make them this weekend! Thanks again for the kind words about the apple fritters!

  31. i subbed apple cider for the milk in the fritter recipe.. sooo delicious!!

  32. I must tell you I LOVED them, very light and good texture/ chew at the same time :) also loved how fast and easy it is, whipped em up in 10 minutes, and fried em like in 5 pretty quick for a nice breakfast, snack or dessert. Thanks for sharing :)

  33. I made these yesterday and came back to see if anyone else noticed that 1-1/2T of milk w/ 2C of powdered sugar, wasn't enough milk?

    I had to add a little over 1/3C of milk to get it to "drizzle".

    Don't get me wrong...they were fantastic...yum!

  34. I found this recipe yesterday when I did a google search for apple fritters. And, I made 2 batches last night. Wow! They are SO easy and So delicious! My children and my husband thank you.
