
Friday, January 30, 2009

Fennel and Orange Salad

Fennel and Orange Salad

Anyone who follows me on twitter (follow me here) knows that this is my region of the country's growing season and I am getting a wonderful box of produce from my local farm co-op (CSA Box). My only problem seems to be my plethora of fennel.

I really don't like fennel all that much. I find that the flavor when cooked is a little strong and tends to over power anything it is going with! I decided I had better try it raw and see how that goes. At this point I had 4 large bulbs of the stuff. Thank goodness my sister is here and she was able to help out with eating all of this!

I looked around for a couple of ideas and came up with a Fennel and Orange Salad...Big yummm. I had some arugula going wild in my garden so this went into the salad! This one is really a winner!!!

I am entering this into GYO because I grew the arugula from seeds that we planted in October. Grow Your Own is a twice-a-month blogging event that celebrates the foods we grow or raise ourselves and the dishes we make using our homegrown products. This months event is hosted by Andrea of Andrea's Recipes. Go on over and check out the round up tomorrow!

Fennel and Orange Salad

3 or 4 bulbs of fennel , tops removed and bulb thinly sliced
large bunch of arugula, cleaned and torn to bites sized pieces
2 oranges, supremed or thinly sliced
1 Tbs olive oil
juice from the remaining orange scraps
salt and pepper to taste

Toss all salad ingredients. Whisk together the oil, orange juice, salt and pepper. Toss together and serve chilled!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!



  1. Thats the trouble with CSA.Sometimes we get a little to much of something. Great yse if the fennel. I like it sgaves in salads like this.

  2. Great idea to use the oranges, it looks light and healthy. Thanks for joining us for Grow Your Own!

  3. How funny - I've just posted about the problems of overload that can accompany CSA-type deliveries. Fennel is something that turns up rarely here, though, so for me it's a real treat! The salad sounds wonderfully fresh. I also love fennel when it's first very lightly boiled, then baked in the oven with some parmesan and black pepper. Yum!

  4. I love fennel bulbs but have never tried it raw. The salad sounds delicious.
