
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Still cleaning out the freezer and "Happy Meat"

"Happy" Rib Steaks with Sauteed Sugar Snap Peas and Parsley Potatoes!

I guess one of the reasons that I am so determined to get the freezer cleaned out and the food down to a manageable level in there is that with all of the storms lined up in the Atlantic I think that maybe we may loose electricity due to one of them. I would be so upset with myself if I let all of that wonderful food go to waste.

Crazy in the Atlantic right now!

As it is I have about a case of organic green peppers...I think I am going to stuff some of them this week, a case of organic zucchini, about $200 worth of "happy meat" from the grass fed cow (Jenn the Left Over Queen did a great post on this last week about the importance of eating grass fed beef, and said it so much better than me!) we had butchered about a month ago and a whole bunch of miscellaneous things, most of which I don't even remember! Some of which we don't even eat anymore. I know there are so pork chops in there that we won't eat because they are not grain fed, antibiotic and hormone free. What am I suppose to do with all of this stuff???

Anyway the other day I pulled out a package of the grass fed cow that was marked rib steak. Let it thaw nice and slow on the counter and the fridge. Also found some pretty dried up looking frozen sugar snap peas. I thawed those out as well and started to work on some potatoes for parsley potatoes (everyone's favorite here!).

The sugar snap peas were easy. Thaw them out and saute them in olive oil. Near the end of the cooking add some chopped garlic and when all of it is cooked up nice and heated through a few splashes of soy sauce and you have a great side dish!

The steaks were marinated (for about 30 minutes) in soy sauce, chopped garlic, pepper, dried oregano and a splash of olive oil and then grilled.

Any ideas on the zucchini and peppers???

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!



  1. I read your blog a lot...such yummy ideas.

    I made a veggie couscous side dish last night with all the veggies from the Farmers Market that I bought this weekend. Zucs, squash, snap peas and carrots. It was quick, easy and went wonderful with our flank steaks (organic).

    It is my ole standby for softening veggies.

  2. Hey Judy,

    I really like your blog. I found you through Foodbuzz. Great posts and a lot of great ideas. Keep up the good work. I look forward to reading and seeing more of your ideas.
    I would defintely go for a stuffed green pepper - one tip I like to use is blanch the peppers in boiling water for 3 minutes after i cut the top off and clean out the seeds. After i blanch it I soak it in cold water to stop it from cooking. It also helps the pepper stay firm when u bake it in the oven. Hope this helps.


  3. If there is a load of green peppers, why not make up a batch of roast green pepper sauce? (Weirdly, I don't like green peppers, though I love red - so not sure if this would work or not ;)

    For the zucchini - I did a great courgette (zucchini!) pasta a couple of weeks ago... (Sorry, I know linking to myself is bad for - though it actually is Meeta's recipe really!)

    Or... grate the zucchini and squeeze out all the excess liquid...mix with a bit of flour and egg and fry up as zucchini rostis. You could even chuck in some of the green peppers here too if you fancied!

    As for the pork chops - do you have a homeless shelter nearby? I'm sure they would be appreciated :)

    Phew - long comment. That's instead of me posting today ;)

  4. Thanks Brianne-that sounds like a great idea for some of the things in the freezer!

    Hi Zesty-Love the tip on the stuffed green peppers!

    Oh Kittie-what great ideas. All of them. I especially like the homeless shelter one!!! Why didn't I think of that!!! One of my best friends runs our local shelter in Ft Myers!

  5. You know how much I love fritters and zucchini fritters are just delicious! I also like to stuff them.
    The peppers I am not so sure about...I don't really like green peppers too much...

    I have lots of stuff in my freezer too - including our wedding cake for our one year - I will CRY for a very long time if we lose that...

  6. JUdy - I have a recipe for Italian stuffed peppers from my great aunt straight from Italy that are divine. She doesn't use measurements and she always fried them but I bake them and they are delish!
    fresh ground bread crumbs (day old bread)
    basil, oregano, parsley, garlic powder, salt pepper (all to your liking)
    chopped tomatoes (I use organic canned) whole can with juice
    little olive
    Parmeggano Reggiano cheese 1/4-1/2 cup
    mix ingredients with hands until the right texture (no to moist and not too dry)
    stuff peppers
    spray pan with Pam and drizzle small amount of olive oil over top
    bake 350 until done
    buon appetito!

  7. oh and I live in the south and you could make a zucchini casserole (like squash casserole). Not the healthiest but yummo!

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  9. Now this is my kinda meal!

    I just did a warm quinoa pilaf with squash, zucchini, peppers, and onions. Give that a shot.

  10. Hey Jenn-Fritters are my favorite standby as well! I think I'll just stuff the peppers.

    Hey L is G - I love that recipe. I can't wait to try it. I am thawing out some peppers as we speak!

    Hey Mr Orph - Someone else suggested a pilaf with couscous but I love quinoa so that one may be a winner!!!

  11. Hi Judy! I'm heading down your way Sanibel. I can't believe Ike is hanging around...stay safe...I'm hoping my trip won't be cut short but I have a feeling it will be. Ugh.
