
Monday, August 11, 2008

So my Mom is here...and sausage and peppers!

Sausage and Peppers!

You would have thought maybe that might simplify my life right? Um nope, it is still as crazy and as hectic as ever but now I am dragging one more body along for the ride!!! Poor Mom, but at least she gets to see the grand kids while we are doing it.

My Mom is truly wonderful. She comes to visit every year (from Canada) at the time of my youngest daughter's birthday. If you remember my oldest daughter was born on the 4th of July. Kind of special huh? So Grandma makes a special trip each and every year to help to make the youngest ones just as special! Pretty cool huh? Well this year was extra special as my youngest daughter had decided to be in a skating recital that was being held at our home ice rink and Grandma was going to be here for it.

This is the youngest one leading into her 1 foot spin!!!

The recital was Sunday and she did a great job...some rough spots getting her out there but once she was on she was a true superstar!

Needless to say we wanted a real nice and quick dinner. Seems like this is becoming a real theme around here huh? Nice and quick?????

Anyway we opted for Sausage and Pepper's. What could be easier then that! I already had the peppers. Remember back a month or so ago I ended up with a whole case of organic peppers that I froze? They went great with the all natural, no antibiotic or hormone pork sausages that I found at the grocery store. Added some garlic, onion, salt and pepper and a touch of oregano and topped ours with some sauteed jalapeƱos. This made for a great meal for all of us!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!



  1. Yup - this is such a great meal that reminds us all of home and comfort. I love sausage and peppers...absolutely love it!

    Tell mom we all said Hi - lol.


  2. This is one of my favorite meals, and it's especially nice to simmer it all with some nice dark beer...great...I may make this tonight:)

  3. Looks great Judy! I am glad you are having fun with your mom even if it hectic! :)

  4. I just had this for lunch. However yours looks way better than the work cafeterias.I am proud to say I love sausage and peppers. So many I know turn up their nose at it (non sausage eaters), but its the best.

  5. Oh boy! Sausage and peppers! I love, love, love them! Yours look pretty darn tasty too! I'm grabbing my fork and coming right over! ;)

  6. Hi Darius-People either love it or hate it huh? Mom says Hi back!

    Hey Brittany-Beer? Nice addition!

    Hi Jenn-My life is always least Mom is used to it!

    Hey Courtney-Glad it looks better than the cafeteria's! At least it's one food that can hold up to the cafeteria!

    Hey SGCC-Your close enough to make it here for dinner!!!
