
Friday, August 8, 2008

Black Beans and Rice

Black Beans and Rice

Now I am not going to tell you that these are typical Cuban, Puerto Rican, or any other Hispanic countries beans. These are just something that I have some up with that works really well for my family. I have tried them a bunch of different ways and this is what I keep coming back to. It's really all about the toppings anyway isn't it???

This really isn't a recipe but I just throw in what I have and to the amount that it tastes good. Last night I put in a bit too much cumin but that isn't a bad thing in my books!

Chop up an onion and some garlic and saute in some heated olive oil. When the onion and garlic are cooked add 2 cans of black beans or 1 lb of dried beans cooked per the directions on the bag. Add about 1/2 tsp of dried oregano, 1 tsp of cumin, 1/2 tsp garlic powder and salt/pepper to taste. Cook to allow the the bean and sauce to thicken (about 20 mins) serve over hot rice. Top with tomatoes, pico de gallo, jalapeƱos, onion, sour cream or anything else you want!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!



  1. oh - that looks so striking with the black against the white!

  2. Authentic or not, it looks like my kind of side. I've done similar things before and I always love it as well, so this looks awesome to me

  3. That sounds great Judy! I love making stuff like this myself - and I agree, it IS all about the toppings! I like avocado thrown on too, and maybe some good cheddah.

  4. Lovely!

    Black beans & rice make the perfect pair, don't they?!

    Thanks for the great eye-candy - that's a beautiful picture :)

  5. I love your version better than the tradional one - Looks really great as I am thinking about it right now with some killer carne asada - YUM!!

  6. You know, I have never actually made this from scratch, maybe I should try it, becasue it looks stunning, and I am with Jenn...Some avacado...yum!

  7. I love the colour of those black beans, so dark purple like that. I'm trying to think of ways to get people in the house to eat more beans, because I've heard they're good for you. Unfortunately, I'm not making a lot of progress: we're not bean people. I'll try this though, as the pico de gallo might sway them. . .

  8. Oh, what simple perfection. I used to eat black beans and rice almost every day when I was a poor college student. I'd mix in cumin, yogurt and corn though. Weird hippie food.

  9. Hmmm, now this I can cook and now I can make it look good as well :)

    Being reading your blog for sometime and had to comment today.

    Thanks for making us fearless Judy.

  10. This is one of my favorite things to eat! We have it as our main meal though, not a side - and I usually add corn - looks pretty and tastes good too :) I like the frozen roasted corn in a bag from TJ's for this - maintains the the easy!

  11. you do this with such flare and enthusiasm- i am so very impressed with all of your recipies!

    i love black beans. period. i can't wait to do this one. thanks!

    (and fun to see that you came to my blog- you must have a site that shows who has linked to you!)

  12. This sounds really interesting! I'm not sure I know what black beans are but I'll definitely go find out now!

  13. Hi Kittie-thanks the contrast is beautiful!

    Hi Mike-a side might be okay but we usually have this as a meal.

    Hey Jenn-I love avocado on top but for some reason I didn't have any!

    Hi jd-Thanks for the comps!

    Hi Cathy-What doesn't go good with carne asada!

    Hey Brittany-It's so easy and the avocado would be great!

    Hey eating club-I'm lucky here. I don't meet with much resistance on many things!

    Hey Heather-I sometime dollop yogurt on top and I put in too much cumin this time but never corn.

    Hi Still thinking-Thanks for commenting and yes, you can do this!

    Hey Lunch Buckets-None of us here are rel big corn fans unless its really sweet corn on the cob!

    Hi rhondas view-Thanks for the comps!

    Hi Dharm-You can buy them either canned or dried. I think you and the children would like it!

  14. Good Lord in Heaven. I so want a plate of these beans right now. I could just cry. Or make some. I'm leaning towards option #2. :D

  15. oh my, that looks fabulous! i will be saving this recipe...

  16. Found this by google..and love the idea! Perfect for the family!
