
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Happy Meat!

Not the prettiest cuts but it sure tasted great!!!

I know you've all probably heard me on my soap box about the tainted meat that we are being forced to eat from the supermarkets. All the meat that is pumped full of atibiotics and hormones to allow the animals to grow at a speed very unatural to them. I think I stopped eating meat from the "big guys" around February. I have found several ways around it...costly, yes, but I think that buy eating less meat but a higher quality meat (happy meat) we are seeing extra benefits from it. Quality or quantity is what we are going for here.

A couple of months ago the CSA that I belong to (Worden Farms) sent out an email about beef shares that you could buy into through Crescent C Ranch. All of their beef is grass fed, no hormones or antibiotics, free range beef. I finally talked T. into after about 3 months with no beef. We decided to just get a small order of about 20 lbs where we would get 30 % steak, 30% roasts and 40% ground beef, just to try it out to see if this was the route we wanted to go.

We picked up our order on Saturday and were we ever excited. We also opted to buy some left over meat that didn't get packaged up. So we bought 5 packs of rib steaks and she asked if we wanted any liver...I jumped at that and she threw in 3 livers for no cost!!! I had just bought a new cookbook and wanted to try out a recipe that was in it so it was very good timing!!!

Saturday night we were having souvlaki. That was already planned but on Sunday it was steak night!!! We wanted the full flavor of the steak so we only salted and peppered it and threw it on the grill. We served it with a simple tomato mozzarella salad and the meal was incredible in it's simplicity!!! They are going to be doing another order come the fall so if anyone in the area wants some info on this just email me for it!

Tomato, Mozzarella and Basil with Balsamic Vinegar.

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!



  1. Good to hear you got your shipment of meat in. Those chops are fit for Fred Flinstone!

    I'm diggin the purple basil with the salad too!

  2. We buy local meat as well (we split a cow between my immediate family), and the difference is amazing, not only in price, but in quality.

  3. Congratulations on finding a viable alternative to supermarket meat. It's what we all need to do.

  4. I can't remember the last time I ate supermarket meat - but usually it's my local butchers I go to instead! But... I may be going in with a colleague on a lamb - excited!!

  5. This sounds great! You prompted me to resume my search for local meat again...which means convincing my wife we need to have a second freezer, lol. :-/

  6. Peter-It was a happy day here. Something happened to my purple basil though. as it got older it taste more licorice-like! Weird huh?

    Hi Brittany-How lucky that you can do that. The taste difference is extreme!

    Hi Tom-We do all need to do this but sometimes it's really hard to find and do!

    Thanks Joanna

    Hi Kittie-lucky you...we don't have local butchers. They've all gone out of business!

  7. Hi Mike-Just buy a used one. You have a couple of meat producers in your area. Look at

  8. Judy, I so need to do this. I am getting fed up with living on buffalo meat that I can get at publix in a variety of way (ground, dogs, etc). I LOVE buffalo, but sometimes I need something different. You are an inspiration! :)

  9. Since I'm in cattle country now, it should be easier to find fresh meat now shouldn't it? Well, it is, in fact, but .... you have to buy the whole cow! Hey, I'll be in town in a couple of weeks for a visit, hope to see you!

  10. Hey Jenn-You should have something near you. If all the way down here I could find some you have to be able to!

    Hey JoAnn- See if you can find someone to split it with. Maybe the farm would know of someone?
    Email and let me know when you will be here!

  11. LOL - I need to be like you. I need more happy meat in my life!

    That salad looked yummers!


  12. I have to find a better source. So far its the supermarket and Costco. I cant order perishables like meat and dairy from my CSA because its delivered and left outside in a cooler. Its fine for produce, but I wouldnt trust other stuff....We really have to be careful.

  13. Yeah, baby! Now that is gooooood eatin! :)

  14. I'm with you with the hormone infested "super" meat; no thank you!

    Grass fed and dry-aged steaks for me. Yes, $22 per lb is a lot, but I'm eating it!

    I love the salad.

  15. Mm.. that meat Does look good!

  16. i need a CSA :-( both the meat and the salad look awesome!

  17. Wow, you are fortunate to have a program like that. We buy a lot of our meat from an organic, local retailer but it is fairly pricey. I would invest in another freezer to go bulk, it seems like a good idea.

  18. What a meal! Easy, simple and DELICIOUS :D.

    I think one of those huge ribs would be enough to feed my family ;D

    Wanna come for a drink to my blog? I'm having a party... would love to see your face!

  19. Wonderful looking salad - mozarella is always a welcome addition to a salad. And those steaks - let me at 'em!
