
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Creamed Leeks with smoked Gouda - As promised!

Do you ever get the feeling that your life is just going way too fast? I really need it to slow down so I am going to spend the day searching for the slow down button (yeah in all of my spare time!). I have my oldest daughter home with me today. She seems to be really tired and says she is not feeling well. I really don't want a repeat of the last time she said that and I sent her to school anyway! I'm sure they don't want that either!!! So she is going to have to tag along with me all day!

I have to drop my youngest one off at the new school that she started yesterday (we don't mess around here-things happen fast!), run to the dr's office and pick up the form that I dropped off yesterday to allow her new school to inject her with an Epipen is she starts to swell all up from an ant bite (I guess I should have considered this earlier???), drop that and her Benadryl (for the same thing) off at her school and then I have to go to my girlfriends house and help get her packed up and moved, then come home and make dinner so that when we go ice skating tonight T. can come home and just cook all of the prepped food! God, just typing it all has exhausted me!

Anyway onto the Creamed Leeks with Smoked Gouda!

This is one of T.'s favorite things. It is one of the reasons that he loves Truluck's so much. It is on their regular menu! I had gotten some fresh leeks last week at the Farmer's Market and he had just been dying for me to make this. Click for recipe!
Smoked Gouda, Cheddar, jalapeƱo, garlic and shallots

Cooking the leeks in butter

Stirring in the cheeses and the cream and milk

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!



  1. I hope the daughter's feeling better and she soon will be if she has a serving of the creamed leeks.

    I've had smoked Gouda before and it's a fabulous cheese.

  2. So there I was at the grocery store today (sounds like the beginning of a joke..."this girl walked into the grocery store"..) and I remembered suddenly that you were going to post the leek and smoked gouda recipe...I picked up a chunk of the smoked gouda and ran back to the produce section to see if they had leeks. I've never purchased leeks in my life. And you're right - they are FILTHY. So I'm standing there, trying to decide how much to buy. They are bundled in twos and I have no idea. I instantly think, where's my cell, I'll just give Judy a quick call and ask her how much to buy. This is how damn weird this blogging thing has become ...1) I plan my menus based on things you write about. 2) I try to buy things I think I might need for recipes you haven't even posted yet and 3) Why in the world would I have your phone number to be able to call you??!!
    Ah ha ha ha. Needless to say, after having reviewed your recipe just now, I didn't buy enough leeks. I also don't have any cream. You will be proud though...I do have pink peppercorns... :-)
    BTW, how do you stay skinny eating all this amazing food and recipes made with CREAM??!!!

  3. Hope your daughter is feeling better Judy:D A serving of this leek dish should put a smile on her face ...and your hubbies too:D

  4. Thanks Peter - She may have just needed some Mommy time! My DH is a cheese fanatic so anytime I cane make something using cheese he is in heaven!

    Danni - You cracked me up. I thought that was the funniest comment I have ever gotten. If there was an award I would give it to you. It is weird isn't it? But also good. I think sometimes we need a bit more anonymity in our everyday lives! About the cream dishes...personally I don't really like them. I like nice light sauces that are fresh tasting. So those I make for the rest of them!

    Hi Val - She is good and off to school today. Thanks for asking and oh yes they all liked it!

  5. ha ha ha...I'm giggling on my couch this morning (with bed head and my first cup of coffee) because my comment tickled you so much :-)
    Gosh, a 'best comment ever' darn COOL would that be?! :-D

  6. Danni - you can always email me using the email address in my profile here on blogger. I have one of those fancy iPhones which I get emails where ever I am!!!

  7. Well, that's very nice but you're assuming that I have something other than a 4-year-old piece of crap phone on its last leg! It doesn't do all that "fancy stuff". Please work instead on your telepathy. I was very disappointed you didn't get all the mental messages I was sending you yesterday. :-) :-)

  8. That. Looks. DELICIOUS. I want to slather that on a baked potato or a steak. Both? Yes, yes I will.

  9. Thanks for posting this. I ate this at Trulucks when we visited in March and was so taken I was getting ready to write Bon Appetit to get the recipe for me! Thanks for saving me the trouble.
