
Saturday, December 29, 2007

Ever started making a meal and knew you were doomed at the start?

I have many times and tonight was one of those times. I spent the afternoon at a park with the girl's and a friend of ours and her children. It was hot (85 but I really hate to complain) and it is December! I left my Mom at home so she could putz around and be alone in the house for a change. Sadly my sister, her husband and the 2 dogs left today...I hate when she leaves! But on a plus side my Mom got my tree taken down and all of the ornaments and lights all put away...thanks a million Mom!!! But now I had to get started on dinner.

Anyway on with my tale of woe. I had planned on trying Paula Deen's recipe called Paula's Baked Ham and Cheese Chicken. I had the chicken breasts out and then I read the recipe. I was missing some of the stuff but I thought I could just muddle my way through. I ran out of Parmesan cheese but I also had decided that instead of the bread crumbs with Greek Seasoning I was going to use Italian seasoned crumbs with Romano Cheese instead. I also didn't have any sliced ham. Here's a no brainer...I had Prosciutto Ham and Honey Baked Ham. Which would you have used? I use about $15 worth of finely shaved prosciutto and you can bet that really ticked T. off!!! Oh yeah and I didn't have any fresh parsley. I guess going into any new recipe with only half of the called for ingredients might doom you!

Now the recipe also called for you to cook the chicken after the flour, egg wash and breading in olive oil on medium high heat. Now you half to remember I was at the park for about 2 hours today baking my brain. I put the skillet on medium high heat and let that olive oil heat on up. I put 2 of the breast in the pan and realized that even though I had used the biggest skillet that I had there was no way that I was going to be able to fit all of these mammoth chicken breasts. How could I have not noticed how incredibly freakin' huge these things were???!!! I quickly heated up another skillet with more olive oil on medium high heat. By the way in case you haven't gotten it already, medium high is way to high to cook these great, big, humongous chicken breasts!!!

The chicken was getting really nice and dark on the outside but there is no way it could have been cooked in the middle but without really thinking it through I guess I kind of figured that it would cook in the oven that I should have preheated...but to what temperature I then realized. The cursed recipe didn't call for a temp.??? I put it on 350 and figured that slow and steady might just work. I topped the now very darkly browned chicken breasts with the proscuitto and the mozzarella cheese and shoved it in. Well it was starting to cook real nice the top was starting to nicely brown but I thought I had better temp. them. The things were only to a low 120!!! Popped them out of the oven and into the microwave. Yes, that was the worst possible thing that I could have done to these things. Anyway did we eat them? Oh yeah. I was really hungry and so were the girls. T. nibbled at it and my Mom only ate the chicken not the chewy burnt crap on top...yes you remember the $15 worth of prosciutto on top!

Would I try this again? I would because the flavor was really good and despite what I did to them the chicken still stayed nice and moist. I might try having most of the ingredients on hand when I start this next time though!

Where are the pictures? Not this one guys. It really looked bad by the time it hit the table!!! On the recipe link above there is a picture of what it is suppose to look like.

To end the meal from He** we were going to finish off the apple pie from Christmas Day...guess again. It was moldy. Should that have surprised me?

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!


Friday, December 28, 2007


We have been so busy and I think that this has been the longest time between posts for me since I started this blog back in August. The holidays have just been so wonderful that I wanted to stay in every moment and not stop and write about it! Does that make any sense? I am very much and in the moment person I guess. We don't even own a video camera because my theory on it is that I would miss too much of what was going on because I would be trying to tape it all for the future???!!! Never made a while lot of sense to me! Anyway we have been out having a ton of fun.
The girls got Roller Blades from Santa this year and wow do they ever like them. My oldest daughter has hardly taken them off of her feet but to bathe and sleep! We did get them off of her long enough one day to go ice skating with their Uncle Lee. This was a real treat because T and I can't skate with them due to our neck injuries so they got to hangout with someone on the ice!

Last night though was one of the best. About a month ago I made reservations for the 5 of us (T., me, my sister, her husband and my Mom) to go to Truluck's for dinner. Now this has become one of our favourite special occasion restaurants. I am not going to do a full review on it but the service is amazing, food is awesome (does anyone use that word anymore???) and the location is magical! We hired a babysitter and all piled into T. big, honkin truck and made the journey to Naples. Worth every minute of the hour long drive! My Mom seemed to especially enjoy it maybe because while living by herself she has so many meals alone or because it was a huge splurge for all of us...whatever the reason it was great for all of us to be together enjoying another great meal!
This was the entree that we had (mom, sister and me!) Blue crab stuffed snapper on a bed of crab fried rice!

This was one of 4 desserts that we ordered. This was the creme brulee. I have never seen such a big one so we just had to have it. Along with Chocolate Fudge cake, the best carrot cake ever and a bowl of fresh berries with whipped cream!

Today is my sister and her husbands last day...they are leaving tomorrow morning to head back to the snowy tundra of Canada, back to work, back to peace and quiet (my house is so not quiet at the best of times but imagine it with 2 children, 4 dogs and 5 adults!!!), still they will miss us all.

Hope everyone is enjoying their holidays as well!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!


Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

Well we made it this far...we are in the home stretch!!! The above picture is of my youngest daughter flying into the arms of my sister who drove all the way from Toronto (about 1600 miles with her husband and 2 dogs) to surprise the girls!!! I thought it was a really cool shot.

We always do an adult celebration on Christmas Eve which usually turns into a wrapping party but this year we were smart and wrapped everything earlier in the day so we could just hang out and enjoy each other and share some really good food!

The food was mainly bought at a gourmet market that opened just this year called The Sandy Butler. Really incredible cheeses and great parma ham!This is a huge plateful of Fresh Florida Shrimp steamed in Old Bay seasoning!

For breakfast this morning I made Baked Apple French Toast. This turned out to be incredible and the best part was that it was made last night and popped into the oven and baked while we all opened presents! I had made a similar dish to this a couple of years ago and it was terrible but this one was excellent!
Hope your holiday is as wonderful as ours is proving to be! Off to Starbuck's...they need the tips on Christmas Day too!!!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!


Sunday, December 23, 2007

I Am A Daring Baker...I made a Yule Log!!!

The Daring Bakers challenge for December 2007 was hosted this month by Ivonne & Lisa. Thanks so much for such a great seasonal choice!
I can proudly proclaim this and feel it this month. I am a Draing Baker!!! With all of the other crazy things that I had to do...8 gift baskets, 9 gift boxes, Christmas shopping, husband out of town and volunteering in the girl's Holiday Shop at school I was still able to get this challenge done!!! I am so proud of myself for doing this (yes...the girls were without clean clothes and I had no underwear left when my Mom got here at the beginning of last week). If you ever get the chance to do this please try it. It is spectacular! I was a little dissappointed with the mushrooms that I had to make. I had the choice between marzipan mushrooms and meringue mushrooms. Living here in South Florida I knew I had to stay away from the meringue what with all of the heat and the humidity but the marzipan didn't hold up so well for me either! I kind of melted and drooped even in the fridge. The log itself though was amazing and had a huge amount of WOW factor!!!

Would I try this again?: I think that I would but I would be sure to brush the genoise with a liqueur (maybe Kahlua or something) as I rolled it. I found it a little dry and I think that would have fixed that problem.

Here is the recipe and the rules we had to follow:

The December 2007 DB Challenge: Yule Log

Sources: Perfect Cakes by Nick Malgieri and The Williams-Sonoma Collection: Dessert
Serves 12
Cake should be stored in a cool, dry place. Leftovers should be refrigerated

What Is Required

• A genoise cake (using the recipe below)
• A coffee buttercream frosting (using the recipe below)(Note: For those of you that have an aversion to coffee, you can use another flavour for your buttercream, however, the buttercream must be dark in colour. We don't want any white or cream-coloured Yule Logs!)
• Meringue or Marzipan mushrooms (using the recipes below)

What You are Free to Do

- Your genoise must be made using the recipe provided; however, it can be flavoured however you wish. Make it chocolate, add nuts, douse it in liquor, throw in some citrus or just leave it plain. It’s entirely up to you how you flavour it. (Substitutions for health reasons are allowed but you must let us know.) I made my genoise chocolate.

- While the outside of your Yule Log must be frosted with the coffee buttercream using the recipe provided here, you are free to fill the recipe however you choose. Fill it with fruit, jam, melted chocolate, pudding, whipped cream, or another frosting of your choice. You have complete freedom when it comes to the FILLING. (Substitutions for health reasons are allowed but you must let us know.) I filled it with the buttercream.

- At the very least, besides the coffee buttercream, you must decorate your log with mushrooms. We have provided a recipe for meringue mushrooms and marzipan mushrooms. You can choose one or the other or you can try both. But you must try at least one type of mushroom. I choose to do the marzipan mushrooms.

- You have complete freedom, besides the mushrooms, to decorate your logs however you wish.

- You have complete freedom to make your logs in whatever shape you like (mini logs, one huge log, an upright log, etc.)

Note: If you are not going to use the coffee buttercream to fill your log, be sure to have the filling ready once the genoise comes out of the oven. If you do fill your Yule Log with fruit or with soemthing other than buttercream, please note that you may not be able to freeze the Log because the filling may not last.

Plain Genoise:

3 large eggs
3 large egg yolks
pinch of salt
¾ cup of sugar
½ cup cake flour - spoon flour into dry-measure cup and level off (also known as cake & pastry flour)
¼ cup cornstarch

one 10 x 15 inch jelly-roll pan that has been buttered and lined with parchment paper and then buttered again

1.Set a rack in the middle of the oven and preheat to 400 degrees F.

2.Half-fill a medium saucepan with water and bring it to a boil over high heat. Lower the heat so the water is simmering.

3.Whisk the eggs, egg yolks, salt and sugar together in the bowl of a heavy-duty mixer. Place over the pan of simmering water and whisk gently until the mixture is just lukewarm, about 100 degrees if you have a thermometer (or test with your finger - it should be warm to the touch).

4.Attach the bowl to the mixer and, with the whisk attachment, whip on medium-high speed until the egg mixture is cooled (touch the outside of the bowl to tell) and tripled in volume. The egg foam will be thick and will form a slowly dissolving ribbon falling back onto the bowl of whipped eggs when the whisk is lifted.

5.While the eggs are whipping, stir together the flour and cornstarch.

6.Sift one-third of the flour mixture over the beaten eggs. Use a rubber spatula to fold in the flour mixture, making sure to scrape all the way to the bottom of the bowl on every pass through the batter to prevent the flour mixture from accumulating there and making lumps. Repeat with another third of the flour mixture and finally with the remainder.

7.Scrape the batter into the prepared pan and smooth the top.

8.Bake the genoise for about 10 to 12 minutes. Make sure the cake doesn’t overbake and become too dry or it will not roll properly.

9.While the cake is baking, begin making the buttercream.

10.Once the cake is done (a tester will come out clean and if you press the cake lightly it will spring back), remove it from the oven and let it cool on a rack.

Coffee Buttercream:

4 large egg whites
1 cup sugar
24 tablespoons (3 sticks or 1-1/2 cups) unsalted butter, softened
2 tablespoons instant espresso powder
2 tablespoons rum or brandy

1.Whisk the egg whites and sugar together in the bowl of an electric mixer. Set the bowl over simmering water and whisk gently until the sugar is dissolved and the egg whites are hot.

2.Attach the bowl to the mixer and whip with the whisk on medium speed until cooled. Switch to the paddle and beat in the softened butter and continue beating until the buttercream is smooth. Dissolve the instant coffee in the liquor and beat into the buttercream.

Filling and frosting the log:

1.Run a sharp knife around the edges of the genoise to loosen it from the pan.

2.Turn the genoise layer over (unmolding it from the sheet pan onto a flat surface) and peel away the paper.

3.Carefully invert your genoise onto a fresh piece of parchment paper.

4.Spread with half the coffee buttercream (or whatever filling you’re using).

5.Use the parchment paper to help you roll the cake into a tight cylinder.

6.Transfer back to the baking sheet and refrigerate for several hours.

7.Unwrap the cake. Trim the ends on the diagonal, starting the cuts about 2 inches away from each end.

8.Position the larger cut piece on each log about 2/3 across the top.

9.Cover the log with the reserved buttercream, making sure to curve around the protruding stump.

10.Streak the buttercream with a fork or decorating comb to resemble bark.

11.Transfer the log to a platter and decorate with your mushrooms and whatever other decorations you’ve chosen.

Meringue Mushrooms:

3 large egg whites, at room temperature
¼ teaspoon cream of tartar
½ cup (3-1/2 ounces/105 g.) granulated sugar
1/3 cup (1-1/3 ounces/40 g.) icing sugar
Unsweetened cocoa powder for dusting

1.Preheat the oven to 225 degrees F. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment. Have ready a pastry bag fitted with a small (no. 6) plain tip. In a bowl, using a mixer on medium-low speed, beat together the egg whites and cream of tartar until very foamy. Slowly add the granulated sugar while beating. Increase the speed to high and beat until soft peaks form when the beaters are lifted. Continue until the whites hold stiff, shiny peaks. Sift the icing sugar over the whites and, using a rubber spatula, fold in until well blended.

2.Scoop the mixture into the bag. On one baking sheet, pipe 48 stems, each ½ inch (12 mm.) wide at the base and tapering off to a point at the top, ¾ inch (2 cm.) tall, and spaced about ½ inch (12 mm.) apart. On the other sheet, pipe 48 mounds for the tops, each about 1-1/4 inches (3 cm.) wide and ¾ inch (2 cm.) high, also spaced ½ inch (12 mm.) apart. With a damp fingertip, gently smooth any pointy tips. Dust with cocoa. Reserve the remaining meringue.

3.Bake until dry and firm enough to lift off the paper, 50-55 minutes. Set the pans on the counter and turn the mounds flat side up. With the tip of a knife, carefully make a small hole in the flat side of each mound. Pipe small dabs of the remaining meringue into the holes and insert the stems tip first. Return to the oven until completely dry, about 15 minutes longer. Let cool completely on the sheets.

4.Garnish your Yule Log with the mushrooms.

Marzipan Mushrooms:

8 ounces almond paste
2 cups icing sugar
3 to 5 tablespoons light corn syrup
Cocoa powder

1.To make the marzipan combine the almond paste and 1 cup of the icing sugar in the bowl of an electric mixer and beat with the paddle attachment on low speed until sugar is almost absorbed.

2.Add the remaining 1 cup of sugar and mix until the mixture resembles fine crumbs.

3.Add half the corn syrup, then continue mixing until a bit of the marzipan holds together when squeezed, adding additional corn syrup a little at a time, as necessary: the marzipan in the bowl will still appear crumbly.

4.Transfer the marzipan to a work surface and knead until smooth.

5.Roll one-third of the marzipan into a 6 inches long cylinder and cut into 1-inch lengths.

6.Roll half the lengths into balls. Press the remaining cylindrical lengths (stems) into the balls (caps) to make mushrooms.

7.Smudge with cocoa powder.

***Special thanks goes to my family this month so that I could do this while they suffered through no clean laundry and a very, very messy kitchen!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!


Friday, December 21, 2007

Does Cranberry Bark count as cooking?

I was really strapped for time and needed to come up with a baked something or other to place inside the little boxes that I had for the teachers that taught my children. I had already made the pretzels with chocolate and M&M's and I needed to come up with something quick. I was pacing through the aisles at Publix when it came to me. Bark!

I really dislike white chocolate though so I had to come up with some milk or dark chocolate. I have had major chocolate disasters before so this was kind of scaring me...I think that Florida heat and humidity do no favors at all for the chocolate dipped items. As I was wandering I happened upon some Ghirardelli Chocolate and I just had to commit!


1 c. sugar
3 oz. unsweetened chocolate, chopped
1 tsp. vanilla
1 1/4 c. dried cranberries

  • In a large heavy skillet cook the sugar over moderately low heat, stirring constantly, until it is melted (about 15 minutes). Remove the skillet from the heat and add the chocolate and vanilla, stirring the mixture until the chocolate is melted.
  • Stir in the 1 cup of the cranberries and pour the mixture immediately onto a buttered baking sheet, spreading mixture evenly with a buttered spatula. Add the 1/4 cup of remaining cranberries by sprinkling on top. Let the cranberry bark cool and break it into pieces. Store in airtight container lined with wax paper, separating the layers with wax paper.
This recipe worked very well for me with the humidity and all here. I gave this to the assistant teachers, Spanish teachers and the music teacher along with the chocolate M&M pretzels that we made. All were happy!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!


Thursday, December 20, 2007

Royal Foodie Joust

Well I have to say that this has probably been one of the toughest challenges that I have done so far. I have been trying to participate in as many challenges as was humanly possible this time of the year. The Royal Foodie Joust is one of my favorites! It is hosted each month By Jenn-The Left-Over Queen. I think this is my 3rd Joust and I am not sure if it was the season or the ingredients but this took me forever to do! The ingredients this month were chosen by Emiline and boy were they tough. I had to make something that had Pomegranate, Mint and Pistachios???!!! I had no clue as to what I was gong to do...then it came to me. I could make brownies out of this one!!! I have an ongoing, long time love affair with brownies. I can honestly say that that is the one food that I have eaten over and over and never really tasted a bad one. Think about it. It is the perfect marriage of rich chocolaty fudge like cake. Anyway enough about brownies and onto the recipe.

These turned out way better than I ever could have even imagined and I will most definitely make these again! Probably one of my favorite recipes now!!!

Mint Pomegranate Brownies

Hope you all enjoy! I will be back asking for your votes come the first of the year!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

What's a food blogger to do???....

What is a food blogger to do when they cannot write a post on any recipe of anything that they have cooked or baked in the last week? Maybe no longer call themselves a food blogger? Okay, maybe I am being a little bit hard on myself and it is the holiday season and all! Last night we had pizza and tonight it is Costco's Rotisserie Chicken. I almost can't wait to have another home cooked meal. I have a new recipe to try. It's Paula Deen's Baked Ham and Cheese Chicken. I can't wait to find the time to try this but alas it will have to wait as does everything else right now!

I have been so incredibly busy. The girls have their Holiday Shop at the school all this week and once again we are short volunteers so I was there all day Friday, Monday and Tuesday. My Mom just flew in for the holidays (Thank you Mom!) so I realized that I had really run out of time. I had not even started my shopping until today. I think though now I am under control. I got all of my cards sent off and all of the little things taken care of. I ordered our fresh Turkey to fry once again and my Honey baked Ham (The girl's school does a fund raiser every year so I almost have to have one and everyone does loves them!). I had also run out of Mom is doing my laundry as I write this. Don't we just love our Moms!!!

For Christmas this year my sister and her husband ( and 2 dogs) are making the long journey from Toronto by car. They expect the trip to take them 2 days (stopping over night) but it will be so worth it. We have not all been together for Christmas in about 6 years. The girls don't know that they are coming so it will be a total surprise for them!

I have at least gotten my Christmas Scent Pot going. This is a tradition is our home and something that we have done every year for the last 15 years. It is simply a pot of water on the stove with slices of orange, lemon, and lime, a small handful of cloves, some star anise, allspice and cinnamon sticks. I keep this on simmer on my stove throughout the holidays. Everyone who walks into my house is treated the the wonderful smells of Christmas!

I hope your holiday preparations are well underway!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!


Monday, December 17, 2007

Bloggers Unite - Acts of Kindness

Well December 17th has arrived and its time for my Bloggers Unite Act of Kindness post. This is a blogging event to try and affect as many people on one day as can be possible by each person doing just one simple, random act of kindness. I am sure we all remember the movie Pass it Forward. I try on a daily basis to try and make things better either by volunteering whenever I can, arranging food drives, helping neighbors or any one in need but this is something different.

We live a very blessed life. My children are in private school, we live in a very nice neighborhood, we have food 3 times a day or more, my children and I need or want for nothing. But we also know that things are not as good for everyone else. Today I would like to think that I made a small difference in someone's life...maybe not a huge monetary difference but to help and restore someone's faith in humankind as a whole.

I went through the toll booth today entering into or city and seeing as I have a transponder my tolls are paid by credit card. We also have toll booths that if you do not have a transponder you need to go through to pay your $2 toll. Now, to me $2 is not a huge amount but to some people it unfortunately is. I handed the toll booth operator $20 and asked her to let the next people through and that their tolls could be paid from that and to so this until the $20 is gone. I left and asked her to wish everyone a great day for me. I hope that the people that went through the booth after me will have some of their faith in humankind restored.

We are all so crazy, busy in our every day lives and I think that an event like this is amazing in the fact that it made me slow down and really consider what I was going to do. I spent the day at my children's school volunteering in the Holiday Shop, I have also arranged the second food drive this year to help benefit our local Soup Kitchen, I volunteer for the Leukemia Society and try to be a good, kind person everyday of the year but none of this was enough for this event. I wanted to touch people that I wouldn't come into contact on a day to day basis. I really, truly hope that it worked!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!


Sunday, December 16, 2007

Just a bit different from most...

Our Christmas preparations take on a bit of a different note here in Southwest Florida. The picture is of my husband trying to put up our Christmas lights. I almost hate to complain about this but it is December and it was so hot (86 degrees) and sunny. He got sun burnt???!!! At least in the picture he was smiling (and you can't hear all of the curse words on camera). This is the one thing that he really hates to do...I actually have him talked into hiring someone to do it next year!!! Crazy stuff here! Anyway today it is suppose to really cool down tonight and go into the low 40's. It will make for a nice boat parade tonight! We should be able to pull out our fuzzy sweaters for a day or so.

We went to a great Christmas party last night that my friend hosts every year. She does such an amazing job with it. There is truly something for everyone and no one is over looked. She gets her food from all over the place so that there is something that would appeal to everyone. Honey baked ham, turkey and sides, Chick-fil-A for the chicken nuggets, publix for sushi and crab platter, edible fruit arrangements, and very, very pretty desserts (the strawberry shortcake from Jason's Deli was outstanding!)! The girls loved the cupcakes that were in festive holiday colors. She also did a raffle for a Wii...we didn't win but the money that was raised was going to be donated to a favorite charity of the winners. Very cool idea. The kids bounced around all afternoon in the biggest bounce house I have ever seen as well!

Anyway today is another busy day. We are going to the skating rink to see the Christmas Performance on Ice. The girls are really looking forward to that and then this evening is the boat parade. People decorate their boats and then do a parade through the helps to get you in the holiday spirit in warm weather!

Hope your weekend is full of family fun as well!!!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!


Friday, December 14, 2007

Friday's Feast #172

As you know I have been doing the Friday's Feast now for about a month. I love this. It is something totally different from what I blog about and think about all day long. Grab yourself a cup of coffee and sit back and enjoy!!!

Make up a word and give us its definition.

Beautilicious - Beautiful and Delicious all at the same time

What is currently your favorite song?

Fergie - Clumsy

What’s at the top of your Christmas wish list this year?


Main Course
Name a scent that reminds you of someone special in your life.

Lavender and Fostex soap will always remind me of my Mom

Who is someone on television that you feel probably shouldn’t be, and why?

Katie Couric - It is unfortunate and I hate to say this about anyone but she really isn't that bright is she? I know she has come a long way and all and she has carved a pretty nice trail for women but still she does say the dumbest things and her interviews are just sad. I think they have just promoted her to her demise.

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!


Thursday, December 13, 2007

OMG...look at my kitchen!

'Tis the season for a messy kitchen I guess. This is how my kitchen has looked everyday for about the last week. When I haven't been out shopping or picking up packages that I had left behind this is what I am doing. I have 5 hours during the day that is all mine (yeah right- that is after I clean up from breakfast and tidy up the girl's rooms, grab a shower, walk the dogs, run any errands that we need ran and squeeze in some writing or a quick ride on the stationary bike LOL) and this is the mess I like to do it in!

Today I am trying to get some more of the Cranberry Chocolate Chunk Cookies made so I can add them to a basket that I will be taking to a party that we are going to on Saturday night. I would like to get some M & M pretzels all done today as well as bake some peanut butter cookies topped with green and red sugar. They look very festive and also freeze very well. I will post pictures and recipe for those tomorrow or over the weekend!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

One of those days...ummm weeks!!!

I guess it is all the holiday excitement that is buzzing around but boy oh boy am I ever flaky right now. In the past week I have made 2 purchases that I have left behind at the stores, gotten lost going to places that I know and made major scheduling mistakes!!! Oh well let's hope next week is better. My Mom flies in on Tuesday so I'm sure it will be!

Anyway, onto dinner last night. Tuesday night is the crazy night in the Chiappini house. Karate and Skating in opposite directions. T. does Karate and I go skating. We always have to have a dinner plan on Tuesday night. Last night it was steak. A nice, easy, quick marinade and then onto the grill and then to the plates. Served alongside a salad it makes a really great dinner!

Marinated Flap (or Flank) Steak

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

My Sister's Favorite Cookies!

Oatmeal Cranberry Chocolate Chunk Cookies...A family favorite!!!

My sister's visit has come and gone but at least I have her favorite cookie recipe now! When she was here she was raving about this cookie that she loved and how wonderful it tasted...I just had to get that recipe!!! We searched the Internet and there was always something missing in the recipes. When she got home she sent me the well as pictures of the deer that were in her snowing back yard! She lives in the Greater Toronto Area and deer are not that common there so we were all pretty excited.

Anyway back to the cookies (do I ever get off track easily!). I made my first batch of Oatmeal Cranberry Chocolate Chunk Cookies - Or "My Sister's Favorite Cookies". She was right they are really good! I also love the festive color that the red from the cranberries lend to the season! Will I make these again...Oh yeah!!!

Even my non-cranberry loving husband loved them!

I entered these cookies in a cookie contest that is being hosted by Susan at Follow the link to find more great cookie recipes just in time for your holiday baking!!!

Monday, December 10, 2007

What have I been up to???

Yes, sister was here but is now gone. My Mom will be coming in for the holiday the beginning of next week. But I need to get moving...NOW!!! I have started making some of the treats for the girl's teachers. We started that yesterday. Very cute and simple. The girls are finally able to help me with something so they are pretty excited too!

I have also in the past week become a featured publisher for the new and very cool food website, Foodbuzz. You can see all my posts as well as other blogs, such as Café Fernando, and The Clumsy Cook featured there!

One more bit of news is that I just recently found out that one of my posts from the beginning of December was published by Reuters! This was pretty exciting for me and I sent a link out to a bunch of people just to show off...It's not everyday that you get published in Reuters. To see the post click here!

On another note don't forget to purchase a phone call or a letter from Santa this year. This is one of the best gifts your child can get. With so little magic left in our lives this is one tradition that I so want to hold onto!!! Order a Letter From Santa. You can order today and choose a future mailing date. This is truly so cool. I bought mine for the girls this morning and am so excited!!! I set the date for the call to happen when my Mom was here so she will be able to see there faces as well!

Today is a day of baking. I have to test out a couple of cookies recipes to see if they are the ones I want to use or if I should just stick with my old faithfuls! If I find a new one that is really good be sure to look here for the post!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!


Sunday, December 9, 2007


Well my sister is gone. What a great time I had with her. There is nothing in the whole world like a great relationship with your sister. This is someone that knows everything that made you who you are. They know all of your secrets and almost never hold them against you (LOL). You have been through almost everything with them along side. It is way better than a best friend that you share everything with. Your sister you don't even have to share...they just sort of know! I sure hope that my 2 girls appreciate what they have but unfortunately it probably won't be until they are much, much older!

Anyway, one day while she was here we decided to try a recipe that her and her husband had tried and loved. It was really easy and something the kids would eat as well! It would all have been perfect but for the fact that I had gotten the girls their flu shots earlier in the day and they were not reacting well to them. My oldest one actually ran a fever for about 12 hrs and my younger one just went a little wild with it. Very strange but worth while in the long run!

Okay on with the food. It turned out wonderfully and we had plenty of extras. I may even make a half recipe next time in a smaller casserole dish and all. The recipe was from the October issue of InStyle Magazine and surprisingly simple.

Go ahead and give it a shot during the incredibly hectic next couple of weeks! The recipe as is will feed a crowd.

Baked Pasta with Sausage

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!


Friday, December 7, 2007

Friday's Feast #171

It's Friday so guess what I am blogging today? You guessed it. This is the Feast for today...Grab a cup of hot coffee and enjoy!

Friday's Feast

What was the last game you purchased?

The last game I bought was Monopoly Jr. Take my word for it, it is way, way better than having to play Candy Land any day!!!

Name something in which you don’t believe.

I don't believe in negativity, meanness, sadness and hate!

If you could choose a celebrity to be your boss, who would you pick?

I think I would pick Oprah. She has access to soooo much and does so many good things. I would like to be surrounded with that in my life! Unfortunately I couldn't even tell you the last time I watched her!

Main Course
What was a lesson you had to learn the hard way?

Patience and it is still an ongoing lesson in the "school of hard knocks"!

Describe your idea of the perfect relaxation room.

A room colored in greens and beige's, lot's of places to lay down and read, soothing water sounds, gentle lighting (dim but enough to read)...can you tell I am really missing reading right now????

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!


Thursday, December 6, 2007

Lunch at Rumrunner's

Life has been pretty exciting on the food front...but not because I have been making a ton of things. We have not been home hardly at all. We have enjoyed many meals out though!

Yesterday my sister and I met another girlfriend and we went to lunch at Rumrunners which is a beautiful waterfront restaurant just down the road from us. The salad was delicious! I managed to snap a few pics before anyone really noticed! If you are ever in this area this restaurant is a must try. The atmosphere and the food are really amazing! For my lunch I had one of their specials-blackened bass served over their bistro salad!! Yummm...

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!


Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Pizza Margherita

Last night I made Pizza Margherita for all of us. The kids didn't like it at all. I guess too many flavors for them. But T. and my sister sure did. We make our pizza's in a baking sheet and we polished it off along with 2 bottles of Chianti! Not a bad night huh?

Click here for the recipe!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!


Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Pizza Night Again!

Tonight is pizza night again! I am making the dough in the bread machine but this time I am going to be able to do it right. After 1 hour and 30 minutes we will be able to make it into pizza instead of wrapping it and putting it in the fridge. For us adults I am going to make Pizza Margherita and will post the recipe with pictures tomorrow! For the kids it will be one pizza 1/2 with sauce and cheese and the other 1/2 just with olive oil and cheese.

We needed to have an easy night after 2 full days of non-stop shopping. My sister and I don't get to see each other often enough so for us to spend time shopping and bonding is the best! I have bought shoes, jeans, makeup, t-shirts, belts and books. We also had a great lunch today at Bice Grand Cafe in Estero. It was real simple with a couple of drinks but with the weather being so cool and beautiful we were able to sit outside and enjoy the lovely weather. Yes...we do feel bad for anyone who is living up North and dealing with the horribly cold weather! We wish you all could be here with us enjoying our weather!!!

Don't forget to vote for me at the Royal Foodie Joust at The Left-Over Queen's forum. Also look for pics and the Pizza Margherita recipe.

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!


Monday, December 3, 2007

The Royal Foodie Joust!

The Royal Foodie Joust for this month has closed and I need your votes. Remember back in November the entry I did for the Chipotle & Mocha Brownies? Well that was for the Royal Foodie Joust which is hosted by Jenn - The Left-Over Queen. Now is the time for you to step up and help me win. Just sign in at The Royal Foodie Joust and vote for me!!!

Also this month's newsletter is in the works and it promises to be a good one! I am going to focus on feeding your family or a large crowd Christmas morning and how to make it as easy on you as it can be! If you haven't already signed up to receive it, there is still time before I send it out. You can sign up in the form at the top of this page.

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!


Sunday, December 2, 2007

What a wonderful and amazing weekend!

I am so blessed to have a family that is so wonderful and friends that are so great!

My sister flew in on Friday night and we have been going hard since then. I picked her up from the airport and we decided that we would go out for a couple of drinks and some food before she entered my crazy house for the week (she lives in a very quiet house with only her husband and a great, floppy chocolate lab). We decide that we would go to The Joint which is right down the street from us.

The next morning the poor thing woke to a very loud house and we raced around and got ready to go for the skating lessons. In the afternoon we went shopping. T. had a meeting in the afternoon and my sister and I had plans to go to a surprise party for a friend of mine. T. was running real late so I decided that I would make dinner for the girls. Now, who really wants to make a major meal for 2 little girls??? I made pancakes for them. At the last minute I decide to throw in some still frozen mixed berries...what a mess that was. I guess I needed to take a bit of time and thaw them??? They were in clumps in the batter. Regardless I cooked them up and T. called just as I was finishing and said that he had dinner plans for the girls???!!! Oh least we had a great breakfast today!

The surprise party last night was great and Wendy was plenty surprised and we all had a great night out without the kids!

Today we got up and decided that since we had a Canadian visitor amongst us that we just had to have a beach day! Now you have to understand something about south Florida...that water is very, very cold to us this time of year so we generally stay away for the beach unless, of course, we have visitors. It was really a beautiful day. The sky was bright blue and the water was clear as clear could be. My sister loved it and so did we. It really makes us realize how good we have it here especially since most places up north are under about a foot of newly fallen snow!!!

Tonight was a quick dinner out and then back to our regular lives tomorrow! Children off to school and my sister and I off to the malls!!! We have waited all weekend for the girls to be back in school so that we can go and do what we love best...SHOPPING!!! I am even setting up a special visit for us to J Crew. My salesman there is going to set up a personal shopping trip for us complete with wine! Life is soooo good!

Hope you all had a great weekend.

As always...

Happy Entertaining!!!


Friday, November 30, 2007

Friday's Feast #170

After a week off due to Thanksgiving we are right back on track again with another Friday Feast! Hope you enjoy it...

What is your favorite carnival/amusement park ride?

I have always and will always love The Zipper...would I ever ride it now? No way. As we grow older I think we realize just how many things can go wrong on a crazy, unnatural ride like that!!! Will I die a thousand deaths inside the first time that I have to watch my children ride it? Oh most definitely!


How do you react in uncomfortable social situations?

I guess I haven't been in one in so long I am not really sure how I react. I probably become more loud and outgoing than I usually am due to being nervous about it.

On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how much do you enjoy discussing deep, philosophical topics?

Probably about a 2 or 3. I really have so much on my mind right now that there is no room for deep, philosophical if someone wanted to discuss my grocery list I would be able to hang alright!

Main Course

Did you get a flu shot this year? If not, do you plan to?

I was going to but I never got around to it so probably not. I had meant to get one for my girls but never did that either. I am calling as I type this! Thanks for the reminder!


Approximately how many hours per week do you spend watching television?

Maybe about 4 or 5. I don't even know what movies are out this season!!!

Hope you have a great sister is flying in tonight so I know I will!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!


Thursday, November 29, 2007

It Was Pizza Again!

Yesterday was a very disorganized day for me! I am trying to get a ton of things done before Friday because my sister is coming to visit and I want to spend as much time with her as I can. Unfortunately I always take on way too many things and end up a little frazzled.

This week I decided that I needed to get all of my recipes from this blog put in recipe format and on my website as well as on here. Should have been easy way! For some reason my links won't work. I had one of my bf's come over yesterday and she gave me an alternate way of doing it but it still irks me that it won't work the way that it should. Then last night I was going to bed and I have just changed my Internet browser over to FireFox so I decided to try viewing my new recipe page and low and behold it was a mess!!! I have one full page that is all HTML code???!!! I know that isn't how I wrote it! But when I switched it out to Explorer it looked fine. Go figure. Well, looks like I'll have plenty to do now won't I?

Anyway I had promised the girls that I would make pizza for dinner and bake them Apple Cookies. I remembered this about 5 minutes before I had to leave to meet my friend for lunch. I always make my dough in my Kitchen Aid (Shop now for the KitchenAid stand mixer that fits your unique kitchen style! The color possibilities are virtually endless!) but this time there was no time. I pulled out my bread maker and found my recipe book that came with the thing. I plopped all of the ingredients into it and hoped for the best. I left it in the hands of the dough gods...It was to do it's thing in there for about 1 and 1/2 hours. That would give me plenty of time to go for lunch and get back and pull it out. Now when I put it in I had no idea how long it would take but when I found out it was only 1 1/2 hrs I needed to figure out what to do with it until dinner time. My idea was to pull it out of the bread machine when it was finished, punch it down and wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in the fridge, pull it out an hour before dinner and all would be good. Was not to be though...

I went into my office and started doing some stuff and then heard a strange noise coming from the kitchen so I went out there and looked around. Nothing was out of place, it was still the same mess I had left it in. Then I heard it again...from the fridge???!!! I opened the door and the dough had burst through the wrap and was oozing around in there trying to devour containers of cream cheese, sour cream etc. We crap. I brought it back out and punched it down again and put it in a big bowl covered with plastic wrap. Held onto my earlier plan and brought it out when we got home from skating and made 2 pizza's with it. One for us with sauce and one for my fussy one with only olive oil. The crust didn't puff much but was not nearly as tough as I had though it would be. It was actually very good.

Would I do this again?
Yes, but I would add more salt and some garlic and maybe some oregano. It is was faster and less work than by hand or with my Kitchen Aid mixer so I would have to say it was a winner and now that I know how long it would take I would try and do it 1 and 1/2 hr before dinner!!!

Pizza Dough recipe (Oster User Manual & Bread Recipes)

2 pound dough ball:

All ingredients at room temperature (70 - 80 degrees)
3/4 tsp salt
4 cups all-purpose flour
2 tsp active dry yeast
1-3/8 cup water
3 Tbsp olive oil or vegetable oil

Combine all ingredients into the bread pan.
Select the dough setting. Allow dough to do it's thing and remove when it is finished.
Bake with toppings at 400 degrees until browned, hot and bubbly!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Not Traditional Chicken Pot Pie!

Tuesday nights are kinda crazy in the Chiappini house. The children stay at school until 3:30 so my youngest one can stay for "stretch and grow". After I pick them up they have a bit of time to play and get some homework done then it's onto Karate and Ice Skating. T. takes the oldest to Karate and I take the youngest to Skating. We aren't able to get back home until about 7:30 or so. Makes dinner time kind of late. We have tried to eat before but it is just too rushed. So now we are eating after. T. gets home early than us so he usually makes dinner on Tuesday. I wasn't kidding when I said it was hectic!

Last night we had a great idea. Let's finish up the gravy and part of a rotisserie chicken that we had over the weekend. I pulled out some frozen pie crust and let that thaw all day so all he had to do when he got home was to heat the chicken with the gravy and a can of potatoes (must be some old hurricane supplies, can't imagine why I would have those???!!!) and some chopped up onion. Put it in the pie shell and topped it and egg washed it and plopped it in the oven until the pie crust was done.

Wasn't that a nice fast and easy way to use up the leftovers and make a good dinner?

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

How can you not love Nachos?

Here in our house Nachos are a special treat. Not too often do we allow the girls to have chips for dinner so they get really excited when the adults want Nachos. The recipe is super easy but the results are amazing. Once again we find that it is all about the toppings! The girls are able to pick what they want and we pick what we want.

Beef Nachos


ground beef cooked with Taco Seasoning

cheddar cheese (grated)

black olives (chopped)

onion (chopped small)

fresh jalapenos (seeds and membrane removed and chopped small)

pickled jalapenos

fresh cilantro (chopped)

tomatoes (chopped)

refried beans with a small can of green chilies added (heated on the stove)

The girls usually have cheese, beans, taco meat, and olives...

but we go all out. We call them Garbage Nachos and they are delicious. So if you are ever craving something that is really not that good for you but wonderfully flavored and nice and salty then this is your beast!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!


Monday, November 26, 2007

Daring Bakers November 2007 Challenge - Tender Potato Bread

When I first started this blog back in August I really had no idea which direction it was that I wanted to go with it. I figured (as I do with the rest of my life) "that it would work itself out" As usual I was right. This blog has made me a more creative and out of the box cook and baker than I ever thought I would be! One of the things that I find so wonderful is the amount of people out there blogging about food! And then came my discovery of the challenges!!! I love food challenges...anything that takes me out of my comfort zone and I can get my hands into and please people's tummies ! But I kept seeing a badge on the people's sites that I really admired and did a bit of research found out hat it was all about and then I had to find a way to become a part of this!!! The badge was the Daring Bakers'.

Anyway, this month I performed my first challenge. I was so excited. It was hosted this month by Tanna from My Kitchen in Half Cups. But what a crazy month. We had so much going on here...but somehow I found time to do it (sort of). Mine turned out so not picture perfect but my plan was to try it again but alas I ran out of month!!! Before I knew it Thanksgiving was here. We have 2 at the girl's school which we had to cook for and one here for at our house for 16!

My bread turned out okay. I wish I could say great. The flavor of it was amazing...but mine was much heavier than it should have been...could it have something to do with 85 degree heat and 80% humidity? I don't know, but I would love to try this again with the conditions and timing better!

The day I choose to make it I had allotted the whole day to do it and thought I was doing good. The timing was right on schedule and everything would have been perfect except I forgot that the girls had a skating lesson and I had to go and pick them up early to get them to that. I called my husband and told him that he had to come home right away. Thinking it was an emergency he raced on home only to find that I needed him to babysit my bread that was baking in the oven!!! He was soooo not happy with me. I had also broken my baking stone a month or so ago and had not yet replaced it so I had to make this in a loaf pan. I think it would be much better without. But all in all I think, under the circumstances, the bread was great.

Would I do it again? I would love to have the time to devote to this so I think that I will put it on my list of things to try making again. I adore making bread. It is one of my favorite things to do: the feel of the dough, the texture as you knead it into what you want it to be...the most therapeutic thing I can do for myself! I bake bread for my girls all of the time (usually not such a complex recipe). We eat no store bought bread so I would consider myself to be experienced with bread but not as experienced as I would have liked to have been for this challenge!.

Tender Potato Bread

From Home Baking: The Artful Mix of Flour & Tradition Around the World

Jeffrey Alford and Naomi Duguid(also wrote Hot Sour Salty Sweet)

Makes 1 large tender-crumbed pan loaf and something more; one 10X15 inch crusty yet tender foccacia, 12 soft dinner rolls, or a small pan loaf

Potatoes and potato water give this bread wonderful flavor and texture. The dough is very soft and moist and might feel a little scary if you’ve never handled soft dough before. But don’t worry: Leaving it on parchment or wax paper to proof and to bake makes it easy to handle.Once baked, the crumb is tender and airy, with ting soft pieces of potato in it and a fine flecking of whole wheat. The loaves have a fabulous crisp texture on the outside and a slightly flat-topped shape. They make great toast and tender yet strong sliced bread for sandwiches. The dinner rolls are soft and inviting, and the focaccia is memorable.I have chosen this recipe because it gives directions for different ways of shaping the dough and provides oven times and temperatures for those variations.

4 medium to large floury (baking) potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks variety of potatoes you might want to use would include Idaho, Russet & Yukon gold. For the beginner I suggest no more than 8 ounces of potato; for the more advanced no more than 16 ounces.

4 cups water (See Note)

1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon salt

2 teaspoons active dry yeast

6 ½ cups to 8 ½ cups unbleached all-purpose flour

1 tablespoon unsalted butter, softened

1 cup whole wheat flour

Conversion Chart for yeast:
Fresh yeast 1 oz/ 1 tablespoon = active dry yeast 0.4 oz/ 1.25 teaspoon = 0.33 oz / 1 teaspoon
reference: Crust & Crumb by Peter Reinhart

4 cups water = 950 ml to cook potatoes in
from that 4 cups potato water you will need to reserve
3 cups potato water = 750 ml for mixing into the dough

6 1/2 cups to 8 1/2 cups unbleached all purpose flour = 1 kg to 1350 g
1 cup whole wheat flour = 130 g

Thank you to Linda of Make Life Sweeter for providing these measurements!

A very graphic picture of why I love metric now! I didn't really do the math but I don't think any 2 cups weighted the same thing.

The other thing to take note of is: whole wheat is heavier than AP.

King Arthur Artisan Organic All-Purpose Flour is fairly new in the markets in the US now and is advertised to be best for making European-style hearth breads with a protein level of 11.3%

Topping For Loaves and Rolls: melted butter (optional)For Foccacia: olive oil, coarse salt, and rosemary leaves (optional; also see variation)

Put the potatoes and 4 cups water in a sauce pan and bring to boil. Add 1 teaspoon salt and cook, half covered, until the potatoes are very tender.

Drain the potatoes, SAVE THE POTATO WATER, and mash the potatoes well. I have a food mill I will run my potatoes through to mash them.

Measure out 3 cups of the reserved potato water (add extra water if needed to make 3 cups).

Place the water and mashed potatoes in the bowl you plan to mix the bread in – directions will be for by hand. Let cool to lukewarm – stir well before testing the temperature – it should feel barely warm to your hand. You should be able to submerge you hand in the mix and not be uncomfortable.

Allowed to add yeast one of two ways:

Mix & stir yeast into cooled water and mashed potatoes & water and let stand 5 minutes.
Then mix in 2 cups of all-purpose flour and mix. Allow to rest several minutes.

OR Add yeast to 2 cups all-purpose flour and whisk. Add yeast and flour to the cooled mashed potatoes & water and mix well. Allow to rest/sit 5 minutes.

Sprinkle on the remaining 1 tablespoon salt and the softened butter; mix well.

Add the 1 cup whole wheat flour, stir briefly.

Add 2 cups of the unbleached all-purpose flour and stir until all the flour has been incorporated.

At this point you have used 4 cups of the possible 8 ½ cups suggested by the recipe.

Turn the dough out onto a generously floured surface and knead for about 10 minutes, incorporating flour as needed to prevent sticking. The dough will be very sticky to begin with, but as it takes up more flour from the kneading surface, it will become easier to handle; use a dough scraper to keep your surface clean. The kneaded dough will still be very soft.As a beginner, you may be tempted to add more flour than needed. Most/many bread recipes give a range of flour needed. This is going to be a soft dough.

At this point, add flour to the counter slowly, say a ¼ cup at a time. Do not feel you must use all of the suggested flour. When the dough is soft and smooth and not too sticky, it’s probably ready.

Place the dough in a large clean bowl or your rising container of choice, cover with plastic wrap or lid, and let rise about 2 hours or until doubled in volume.

Turn the dough out onto a well-floured surface and knead gently several minutes. It will be moist and a little sticky.

It is at this point you are requested to Unleash the Daring Baker within. The following is as the recipe is written. You are now free to follow as written or push it to a new level.

Divide the dough into 2 unequal pieces in a proportion of one-third and two-thirds (one will be twice as large as the other).

Place the smaller piece to one side and cover loosely.

To shape the large loaf:

Butter a 9X5 inch loaf/bread pan.

Flatten the larger piece of dough on the floured surface to an approximate 12 x 8 inch oval, then roll it up from a narrow end to form a loaf. Pinch the seam closed and gently place seam side down in the buttered pan. The dough should come about three-quarters of the way up the sides of the pan. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise for 35 to 45 minutes, until puffy and almost doubled in volume.

To make a small loaf with the remainder:

Butter an 8 x 4 inch bread pan. Shape and proof the loaf the same way as the large loaf.

To make rolls:

Butter a 13 x 9 inch sheet cake pan or a shallow cake pan. Cut the dough into 12 equal pieces. Shape each into a ball under the palm of your floured hand and place on the baking sheet, leaving 1/2 inch between the balls. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise for about 35 minutes, until puffy and almost doubled.

To make focaccia:

Flatten out the dough to a rectangle about 10 x 15 inches with your palms and fingertips. Tear off a piece of parchment paper or wax paper a little longer than the dough and dust it generously with flour. Transfer the focaccia to the paper. Brush the top of the dough generously with olive oil, sprinkle on a little coarse sea salt, as well as some rosemary leaves, if you wish and then finally dimple all over with your fingertips. Cover with plastic and let rise for 20 minutes.

Place a baking stone or unglazed quarry tiles, if you have them, if not use a baking/sheet (no edge – you want to be able to slide the shaped dough on the parchment paper onto the stone or baking sheet and an edge complicates things). Place the stone or cookie sheet on a rack in the center of the oven and preheat to 450°F/230°C.

Bake the flat-bread before you bake the loaf; bake the rolls at the same time as the loaf.If making foccacia, just before baking, dimple the bread all over again with your fingertips. Leaving it on the paper, transfer to the hot baking stone, tiles or baking sheet. Bake until golden, about 10 minutes. Transfer to a rack (remove paper) and let cool at least 10 minutes before serving.

Dust risen loaves and rolls with a little all-purpose flour or lightly brush the tops with a little melted butter or olive oil (the butter will give a golden/browned crust). Slash loaves crosswise two or three times with a razor blade or very sharp knife and immediately place on the stone, tiles or baking sheet in the oven. Place the rolls next to the loaf in the oven.

Bake rolls until golden, about 30 minutes.

Bake the small loaf for about 40 minutes.Bake the large loaf for about 50 minutes.

Transfer the rolls to a rack when done to cool. When the loaf or loaves have baked for the specified time, remove from the pans and place back on the stone, tiles or baking sheet for another 5 to 10 minutes. The corners should be firm when pinched and the bread should sound hollow when tapped on the bottom.

Let breads cool on a rack for at least 30 minutes before slicing. Rolls can be served warm or at room temperature.Anchovy-Onion Focaccia

Instead of oil, salt and rosemary, the focaccia can be topped with onions slow-cooked in olive oil or bacon fat, a scattering of chopped anchovy fillets, and flat-leafed parsley leaves.

Alternate fillings, seasons, shapes are up to you.

You must follow the recipe as written until you get to shaping the bread.

Allowed Modifications for Unleashing Your Daring Baker:

This bread must be savory and not sweet.

Please Knead by hand.

No biga, sponge or starter.

You may shape this dough anyway you would like.You may make this as a loaf, as rolls, as focaccia. You can braid it, twist it whatever.You may season this bread in any way you see fit: maybe it becomes your turkey stuffing. Maybe you season some sandwich bread for great turkey sandwiches.You can fill it if you think that will work for you. Think calzone or anything with a savory filling.

Again however it must be savory and not sweet.

Recipe ingredient exception allowed only if allergy or an ingredient not available or cost prohibitive in your region.

No Pictures: I give you the recipe. I cannot give you a photo or drawing of the recipe because that part is yours. That being said there are lots of pictures of other bread recipes that will provide great ideas for you if you decide to unleash that aspect of this recipe.

Here are my results:

These are pictures of the large loaf. I cannot find the pictures of the Foccacia that I made. I am thinking maybe some little hands have been playing with my camera!!!

In Closing:

We ended up using this bread for the stuffing for the turkey that we made for the school. It was amazing. Everyone was asking what the secret to such moist, rich stuffing was! The flavor it had was incredible.

I would make this again but only when I had all the time in the world to myself. Maybe if hubby and the kids were gone for the weekend! Definitely worth the effort.

Great challenge Tanna!!!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!
