
Monday, December 10, 2007

What have I been up to???

Yes, sister was here but is now gone. My Mom will be coming in for the holiday the beginning of next week. But I need to get moving...NOW!!! I have started making some of the treats for the girl's teachers. We started that yesterday. Very cute and simple. The girls are finally able to help me with something so they are pretty excited too!

I have also in the past week become a featured publisher for the new and very cool food website, Foodbuzz. You can see all my posts as well as other blogs, such as Café Fernando, and The Clumsy Cook featured there!

One more bit of news is that I just recently found out that one of my posts from the beginning of December was published by Reuters! This was pretty exciting for me and I sent a link out to a bunch of people just to show off...It's not everyday that you get published in Reuters. To see the post click here!

On another note don't forget to purchase a phone call or a letter from Santa this year. This is one of the best gifts your child can get. With so little magic left in our lives this is one tradition that I so want to hold onto!!! Order a Letter From Santa. You can order today and choose a future mailing date. This is truly so cool. I bought mine for the girls this morning and am so excited!!! I set the date for the call to happen when my Mom was here so she will be able to see there faces as well!

Today is a day of baking. I have to test out a couple of cookies recipes to see if they are the ones I want to use or if I should just stick with my old faithfuls! If I find a new one that is really good be sure to look here for the post!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!



  1. Congrats on the Reuters pick up! That's big news - and very impressive. Every day one step closer to fame and fortune. And I'll get to say "I knew her when..."


  2. Thanks so much...That was pretty exciting to me! Nothing like seeing your name in print huh?
    Be sure to let me know how the pasta turns out. We loved it.
