
Sunday, December 16, 2007

Just a bit different from most...

Our Christmas preparations take on a bit of a different note here in Southwest Florida. The picture is of my husband trying to put up our Christmas lights. I almost hate to complain about this but it is December and it was so hot (86 degrees) and sunny. He got sun burnt???!!! At least in the picture he was smiling (and you can't hear all of the curse words on camera). This is the one thing that he really hates to do...I actually have him talked into hiring someone to do it next year!!! Crazy stuff here! Anyway today it is suppose to really cool down tonight and go into the low 40's. It will make for a nice boat parade tonight! We should be able to pull out our fuzzy sweaters for a day or so.

We went to a great Christmas party last night that my friend hosts every year. She does such an amazing job with it. There is truly something for everyone and no one is over looked. She gets her food from all over the place so that there is something that would appeal to everyone. Honey baked ham, turkey and sides, Chick-fil-A for the chicken nuggets, publix for sushi and crab platter, edible fruit arrangements, and very, very pretty desserts (the strawberry shortcake from Jason's Deli was outstanding!)! The girls loved the cupcakes that were in festive holiday colors. She also did a raffle for a Wii...we didn't win but the money that was raised was going to be donated to a favorite charity of the winners. Very cool idea. The kids bounced around all afternoon in the biggest bounce house I have ever seen as well!

Anyway today is another busy day. We are going to the skating rink to see the Christmas Performance on Ice. The girls are really looking forward to that and then this evening is the boat parade. People decorate their boats and then do a parade through the helps to get you in the holiday spirit in warm weather!

Hope your weekend is full of family fun as well!!!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!



  1. Now, does your husband know that you posted this picture of him on your blog?! That may be his new least favorite thing! :-) That sure is an awfully nice smile for something he claims to detest...

  2. Hmmm...funny thing happened...he didn't like that picture so I found a better one. At least you can imagine all the bad words spewing forth now!

  3. You are a good wife for being so flexible and willing to change to the photo! :-)
