
Monday, March 9, 2009

Baba Ganoush

A couple of weeks ago when Jenn (The Leftover Queen) and her family came to visit, they arrived and I immediately left to pick up my girls. Being a true foodie Jenn dove right into my fridge and started cooking things up. Just an FYI-this is truly an accepted practice in most people who love foods’ kitchens! I love people to feel at home and what better way for them to do that then to get into my fridge, stove and oven!!! By the time I got home she had cooked up some eggplant and she was all ready to make Baba Ganoush!
I had never made Baba Ganoush before because T. didn’t like it at all. Or so he said. Turns out he really, really likes the stuff. To the point that I made it again yesterday for a a pot luck we were going to. The hostess was asking for exotic appetizers and while Baba Ganoush may not be too exotic but I was sure that it would be something everyone would love! I also made a huge sheet pan of spanakopita to go with it!
Great Recipe Jenn! Thanks once again!

Baba Ganoush (Jenn, The Leftover Queen)
2 eggplants
¼ cup lemon juice
¼ cup tahini
¼ cup Greek style plain yogurt (I used plain, non fat yogurt, strained)
1 clove garlic, crushed
extra virgin olive oil
fresh parley
pistachios and pomegranate syrup for garnish (I skipped this part, but it would have looked lovely)
To make the Baba Ganoush: Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Cover cookie sheet with foil and pierce the eggplants with a fork to avoid explosion. Bake for 40-45 minutes. When eggplants are finished cooking take out of oven and cool until they can be handled.
Peel eggplants, cut in half and remove seeds.
Place in food processor and sprinkle with lemon juice. Add tahini, yogurt, garlic and salt and a drizzle of olive oil. Process until smooth. Drizzle with olive oil and garnish with parsley, pistachios and pomegranate syrup.
As Always…
Happy Entertaining!!!


  1. This does look like a fantastic recipe - and super easy too! Gotta love that!!!

  2. Oh yum!

    I need to invite her over stat!

  3. Oh YAY - it looks beautiful Judy, especially with the grilled bread. Yummy! I am so glad that you enjoyed it - and I agree, it is so much fun when people come over and feel comfortable - I am SO glad you feel the same way!!! :)

  4. yummm... saving your recipe to try :)

    my bf has claimed to not like so many things and then ends up loving them i've given up paying attention lol :D

  5. oh wow does that look wonderful! I could so eat some of that right now!

  6. I love Babaganoush but adore the Greek "melitzanosalata". The eggplants are charred on the grill, imparting that yummy smoky taste.

    Try that next time, be it Babaganoush or Melitzanosalata.

  7. I've never ad baba ganoush before, but it sure sounds good. Maybe I can convince my girlfriend to eat it if I don't tell her it has eggplant... ;)

  8. I've never tried this before, but for some reason assumed that I don't like it.

    I'll have to find some and give it a try!

  9. A friend coming over to cook for you is great... Jenn coming is superb! :-) The dip looks wonderful.

  10. Love it! Especially with warm pita, yum.....

  11. When eggplant is in season this is one of my favorite things to make. I just love it!

  12. Very cool for her to go to town in your kitchen. This looks like a winner!

  13. I actually have never, ever made Baba Ganoush before. Looks wonderful! I'm so jealous that you girls get to hang out :)

  14. I would love to have whole bowl of this all to myself...I suppose I would haver to share so I'll make 2 bowls:D

  15. Mmm...I almost tried this a couple of weeds ago, but made the hummus instead. I'll have to try it now. You and Jen talking about it on Twitter has got my curiosity up!

  16. Okay, new New Years resolution. Start cooking vegetarian / vegan again. This is inspiring.
    Writing you from a hotel in London, snowed in and missing Xmas, fwiw.
    ps - Didn't you write for If not, you should look at it.
