
Friday, January 9, 2009

Look at my breakfast!

I am trying to eat healthier in the New Year. Christmas and New Year's did me in this year and my energy was not where it needed to be. By eating healthier and lighter meals I am rapidly correcting this! Having my wonderful CSA box right now helps a whole bunch but you can do this with food from your grocery store too!

Today it was an egg scrambled with Asian spinach and tomato. Yesterday it was the same egg scrambled with leftover pizza sauce and cremini mushrooms.

All I do is reach in the fridge and find something fresh and cook it up. When it's just about cooked I add the beaten egg and there you have it. Breakfast in less than 5 minutes!!!

Weight Watchers - 1 egg is 2 points. Most veggies are 0

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!



  1. Looks great. We are going to jump on the same wagon starting next week - both fighting colds this week or we would be right there with you!

  2. Mouth watering good!

    I just read a blog post from a woman going on about a book called French Women Don't Get Fat, or something like that. Eating fresh foods and skipping the heavy casseroles was the one the ideas behind keeping a reasonable weight.

    As soon as my brain kicks in, I'll come back with better details about the book. Maybe someone else knows what I'm going on about?

  3. I did the same thing with green chilies & onions and then added ff cheese and salsa.

  4. Lucky you, you're getting those FLA tomatoes right about now. I can see myself eating this omelet out on your deck. ;)

  5. Now, that's the way I should start my day! I'll have to see what I have in the fridge and give your idea a try this weekend. Yum!

  6. I think we start eating healthier meals starting in the New Year shortly after making our resolutions. I think I can keep it up with only 2 more months of winter. They are golfing in Victoria and will soon be counting their daffodils so there is hope:D

  7. Boy does this look good. You have no idea how much I'd like to eat this right now! But alas, my produce drawer contains: 1 rutabaga, a few stalks of celery, half an onion, and some wilted dill. Time to shop! And then, scramble some eggs!!

  8. The *same* egg?? Eeewwww.


    Seriously though, that's one healthy breakfast I wouldn't mind eating at ALL. Love the fresh, light combo. I can never eat enough spinach.

  9. ...

    Just noticed you have Eat, Pray, Love on your amazon widget. Nice. :)


    French Women Don't Get Fat

  11. Thanks Jen it is!

    Hi Chez Us-Try this when you are better!

    Thanks Elle!

    Hey Jill-Always eating fresh foods is best!

    Thanks Sarah!

    That sounds good too Stephanie!

    Hey Peter-Anytime (except when sis is here and Jenn and Roberto!)

    Hey Patsyk-Super easy and really not thought to it.

    Hey Val-I guess the resolutions but also the lack of clothing that fits well. You're lucky there were it warms up early!

    LOL Sandy! You're right the onion, celery and rutabaga might not work in this!

    Hey Melissa-What was I trying to say??? LOL! I love spinach too and just grabbed a handful. washed it and tore it up for this!

    Brianne- Is that the book Jill was talking about? I am assuming that! Thanks!

  12. I'd eat that all day long! And I do sometimes. I love eggs with veggies and have even done egg whites or egg substitute when I'm going hard core. It lasts about 2 mintues! Good for you for eating healthy!

  13. You know I have always made my eggs and cooked like this. They are great.

  14. Looks very similar to my staple morning meal the only difference is that I add a smidge of either feta or goat cheese!

  15. Star. Ving. God that looks delicious, Judy!!!
