
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Customized Trail Mix

See all that healthy goodness. Good thing the kids don't realize it's good for them!

I was just hanging out reading some of my favorite blogs the other day when I came across Jo's blog The Adventure's of Kitchen Girl. First off I saw her really cute kids but then I saw what the post was about and immediately called my girls over. They loved this idea!!!

Customized Trail Mix (see Jo's version here )

combinations of ingredients:

pretzels (goldfish, sticks or twists)
Trail Mix (unsalted all cashews, peanuts, pistachios, sunflower kernels, raisins and dried mango)
peanut butter chips
chocolate chips

Today I bought:

Dried apricots (will cut them up)
banana chips
dried cherries
salted cashews
grated coconut (unsweetened)

I mixed this up in 2 zip top bags for the girls. That way they could each make there own. They packed a smaller bag up to take to school. I think they really loved that they could make it whatever they wanted it to be and I like it because despite the chocolate and peanut butter chips it is still healthy and makes for a nice high energy snack!

I will be making this over and over again! Thanks Jo for a great idea!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!



  1. I am so glad you and the girls liked it :) I love that it's good for them... makes ya feel good that they aren't eating junk! Thank you for the mention Judy :) *hugs*

  2. I'm the culprit of always picking the "good stuff" (aka sweets and chocolate) out of the trail mix I make! This looks great... sounds like a good snack for school!

  3. Love this idea! We are such a snack household that I am always looking for new things that we can make here. Thanks!


  4. Looks wonderful! And it's great to get the kids involved in choosing stuff.

  5. I still eat these kind of mixes...especially with a cold beer.

    Love the goldfish in the mix too!

  6. I will definitely be doing this. I'm quite sure we have all we'll need in the pantry already!

  7. That makes a lovely snack for all of us and I have most of these ingredients in my pantry.

  8. Homemade trail mix is always the best. Thanks for reminding me. I can add dark chocolate and it can still be REALLY good for me!!

  9. We love homemade trail mix, too. I make up a big batch for long road trips.

    It seems the more variety you throw into the bag, the more fun it is to eat, whether you pick or grab it by the handfuls.

    Thanks Judy & Jo for reminding me to make a batch. It sure beats a bag of chips.

  10. I cannot have trail mix in my house. Not because of the kids not liking it, but because mom LOVES it. It is that whole sweet/salty thing that does me in every time. (Wish I had a bag of yours right now...YUMmy!!

  11. Oh Jo it was great!

    Hey Kristen-They do take it to school and I take it for a quick boost on the way to skating...

    Hey Emily-We snack a lit here too and this is perfect!

    Thanks Elle-It helps to encourage them to eat it.

    Hey Peter-who doesn't love goldfish!!!

    You'll love it Lori!

    Hi Ivy-it is so handy and can be made by all the stuff we already have!

    Hey Val-Yummm. Dark chocolate!

    Hey Jill-It really does beat a bag of chips!!!

    Hey Toontz-Love that salty/sweet mixture!

  12. What a great idea! I know my boys would love to make their own snack like that... might even get some of the healthy stuff in there! ;)

  13. Nice touch with the goldgish crackers. I've been downing the minis like it's going out of style.

  14. I too love Customized Trail Mix. I fell in love with my concept so much that I started a ecommerce site.

    I knew although I could keep my costs low I'd never beat Wal Mart in price so I focused on top quality products.

    Would love for you all to take a look at my site and let me know what you think . . . SO FRESH!

    Brett B.
