
Thursday, January 15, 2009

Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day!

I really didn't think I would like this...

I had a very sick little girl home with me yesterday and I knew I needed to make her some soup. I made turkey soup for us for dinner. I needed bread to go with it. I asked around for some bread recipes and this kept coming up. You really can make Artisan Bread in 5 minutes a Day!!!

You have to get this book!!!

If you hunt around on the internet you can come up with a basic recipe but the real deal is in this book.

The idea is you make a big ball of dough in 5 minutes (for real). Then refrigerate it. You pull off dough balls as you need them for bread. This dough lasts for 2 weeks in your fridge. Can you just believe this!

Thanks Zoe!!!

Also it's delicious...

I have committed to BYOB for this year and this just fits right in. Not only does it taste better and is more satisfying but I know what goes in it and it saves me money!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!



  1. Nicely done, Judy! Warning though, this formula does kind of spoil you for the other, more labor-intensive types of dough! ;) (Fresh bread hot from the oven anytime you want it? Oh, yes.)

    I hope your daughter is on the mend!!


  2. It looks amazing, Judy! I'm so glad you tried it!

  3. The bread looks delicious. I'm pissed every time I have to spend $4 on my favorite loaf. I thought about trying the BYOB. I like that she said the bread police wouldn't come after me if I missed a time or two!
    I'm glad your daughter is doing much better. It's so scary to see them that sick. Now dont you get it!

  4. I wouldn't be who I am without this book - seriously, it transformed my relationship with bread in a fundamental way! Bread Revolution!!!!

  5. This looks as good as any bread I've seen in a bakery and in 5 minutes you say?

  6. We LOVE that book! Usually have the dough in the fridge at any given time. Your bread turned out so beautifully... nice crunch to the crust is what it looks like. Hope your daughter is feeling better... seems everyone is sick lately.

  7. Hey Sandy-I could see how it could but I love the labor intensive bread too!!! She is thanks!

    Thanks for the push Elle!

    Hi Megan-You should do the BYOB there is no reason someone should make $4 on a loaf! She is better thanks!!!

    Hey Jenn-Bread Revolution! Love it!

    Hey Peter-So glad you bought the book! Worth every penny!

    Hey Patsyk-Thanks for the comp. Bets book! She is thanks!

  8. I seriously need to get into bread making already--this looks fantastic!

  9. Nothing beats homemade bread and being able to produce something that looks like that at short notice sounds great!

    Of course, I can also use those same 5 minutes to put together some Irish soda bread, which also hits the spot for me :)

  10. I LOVE this book! And yes, we do get spoiled with fresh bread everyday!

  11. Wow, that is one nice looking loaf of bread. It would look even better slathered with butter and honey. I will have to look into that book. 5 minutes a day, huh? I might even have time for that!

  12. Well, you got me. I just ordered the book through Amazon.

    I've never been 1 for trying breads at home, too fussy for me with all the kneading & resting. But the picture of that loaf & the phrase '5 minutes' nailed it.

    Thank you for broadening my horizon!

  13. Hi Judy, It is gorgeous!!! I'm so thrilled that you tried it out and liked the bread. Thank you so much for sharing, I just love to see pictures of what people are baking!

    It is the perfect boule!

    Cheers! Zoƫ

  14. Welcome to the world of Artisan Bread in 5! I've had this book for a year and I can't do without it. Try the brioche. It's heaven!

    Hope the little one is feeling better!

  15. If you had the recipe on the site I would make it right now. It sounds delicious. Hope your daughter is feeling much better today.

  16. Ditto from above. If the recipe was posted, you would have convinced me to make it. Now.

  17. Hey Mike-Buy the book. Easiest way to make bread ever!!!

    Hi Daily Spud-Glad you make your own!

    Hi Nikita's Mom-Isn't it the best?

    Hey toontz-Once you make the dough it is just planning to get it made!

    Yay Helene!

    Hi Val-Glad you ordered it!!!

    Hi Zoe-Thanks so much for writing this book with Jeff. It is incredible and has made it easier for people to see how this could be an everyday thing!

    Hey Susan-I was a little slow on the uptake on this one wasn't I?

    Hey Ivy and Gretchen-Out of respect to Zoe I am not putting the recipe on my blog.

  18. Looks so good, judy. Nice crust and crumb. The process is definitely nice once you get used to it.

  19. I just ordered this book from Can't wait to get it. I just committed to BYOB too and am looking forward to learning to bake bread.

  20. I came from Kalofagas. With both of your very positive feedback, I am probably going to get it. Currently I am using the book Dough by Richard Reinhart which his way of working the dough it already 3 mins less than convention kneading. Nice to find your blog.

  21. Hey, I used this recipe today and I just love it! Check me out here.
