
Saturday, November 15, 2008

Whole Foods and homemade breakfast sausage!

Now "what" you may ask do the 2 things have to do with each other??? Last weekend we took a short drive (about 45 minutes) to Naples to the new Whole Foods store there. I have never been in one before and I was really curious especially about there meats. I had been warned that this would be an expensive shopping trip as the glitz and the shine will entice me to buy way more than I needed! I was prepared...but you know what? I think because we don't eat processed and prepackaged foods I really didn't see a whole lot that I would buy. They have aisles and aisles of things but I can get alot of that stuff elsewhere or can make it myself!

But the meat...OMG the meat! I have never seen so much "happy meat" in one place in my entire life!!!! We bought beef, pork, chicken...It was wonderful. But alas their is always that one sad spot. They had no pork breakfast sausage! My youngest daughter LOVES, LOVES, LOVES breakfast sausage.

I ended up buying some ground pork and trying my hand at sausage making. No way was I going to stuff any casings but she also likes patties so I was good there! After searching the internet for a sausage that wasn't too sweet, here's what I came up with...

Breakfast Sausage (Homesick Texan)


2 lbs of ground pork
1 tablespoon of sage
2 teaspoons of marjoram
2 teaspoons of thyme
2 teaspoons of red pepper flakes
1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon of brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon of black pepper


1. Mix all ingredients together.
2. Form into patties and fry six minutes on each side.
Keeps in the refrigerator for a week.

***This made spicy sausage. Maybe a bit too spicy for the girls but play around with the pepper flakes and the cayenne until it suits your taste!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!



  1. I love homemade sausage! I did a chicken one not long ago and it was every bit as good as the pork. This looks delicious!

  2. Oh that looks good! Love breakfast sausage...would love those with some pumpkin pancakes!!

  3. I gave up my Costco card some time ago because I never buy their processed foods...but they have an exscellent meat and seafood section you can't beat the cost of photo reprints!! I used to make my own sausage...thanks for bringing back great memories Judy..and happy eating!!

  4. I am definitely not immune to the dangers of Whole Foods' meat department! Just be careful with their veal chops, Lol!

    The homemade breakfast sausage is brilliant! It looks mouthwatering!

  5. What a great idea! I really miss the meat at whole foods too - and the fish.

    I used to have a whole foods AND a Trader Joes literally minutes from my house... I miss that.

    I agree that now there is very little now that I would *need* to get there...but I miss the variety of meat....

  6. I have never made homemade sausage - thanks for this wondeful recipe.. I love whole foods and have been there many times but right now however I am doing the bristol farms happy dance as it just opened within walking distance of my house and it is off the charts amazing..

  7. Ooooh, baby....sausage! My Dad and I used to make our own pork sausage growing up the way his grandma made it. Yours looks incredible!

  8. Hey Anne-I should try it with chicken. Didn't even think of that!

    Hey Aggie-Oh you just gave me a great idea with those pumpkin pancakes!!!

    Hey Val-We still do Costco for paper product...They don't carry much happy meat so I stay away from that. I love Costco though.. got gas there today for $1.99!!!

    Hey Susan-Don't do veal but the pork and those aged steaks look incredible!!!!

    Hey Jenn-Never been to a TJ but I now love WF meat department! I can get good local seafood so I don't even need that!

    Hey Cathy-I am not sure what Bristol Farms is but am going to google it!

    Hey Francie-Thanks so much. I hadn't really thought of making it until I found I couldn't get it!

  9. Sausage making is one of the things I have been intending to do for a long time now but I always keep postponing. I must definitely make some soon. The filling you made sounds great.

  10. I love making my own sausages, too, as I can have as much garlic as I want. They taste even better when you let them marinate for several hours in the ref.


  11. That sausage looks amazing Judy! Makes me want some right now! Yum :)

  12. I think it depends on the size of the store, ours has a vast selection of bulk organic and natural products, meat, seafood, and cheeses. It can be expensive but if we all ate more organic and natural, it would become less of a pain to go out of the way. I like the recipe with the added brown sugar, I will have to make this one -E

  13. These look fantastic! My husband makes a spicy sausage gravy that we serve with biscuits... This sausage patty would pair very nicely with it. I think we'll try this as a side on our next sleep-in morning when we lazily get up then fix a yummy brunch. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Oooooh! Love love LOVE homemade breakfast sausage! I like to add bacon to mine, it a little smokey kick. :) YUM, Judy!

  15. Tell me you made some homemade egg mcMufin's with this, didn' ya?

    This sausage recipe is also a good starting base for a stuffing...umm-umm...can I come by for US Thanksgiving?

  16. I've always wanted to make breakfast sausage--they look so good!

  17. This is great. I've been thinking about trying my hand at sausage making. Nice job!
