
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I Love Stone Crab Season!!!

Stone Crab claws are truly one of my favorite seafood meals. I love shrimp, oysters, clams, lobster, and all sorts of fish but there is something truly special about Stone Crab. Maybe it's the fact that you can only get them in the winter months, making you wait all summer long for them?

The season for stone crab runs from October 15 to May 15. It sounds like a fairly long season but they are not always abundant and the market price can really vary!

Stone crabs are also a very sustainable species. When the crabs are harvested only on e of the claws is removed and then the crab is returned to the water. They still have one claw to defend and feed with and the missing claw will grow back with 12 to 24 months to legal size once again. They are caught in traps and and now equipment but bare hands are used to handle the crabs.

I was just searching around for a price per pound on these monsters and came across a special for Large Size 8 Lbs(32-40 Claws) Fresh Florida Claws Shipping Included
$360.00 $320.00
Crazy prices...that equals about $40 a pound!!!!! If you know the right people you are able to get them locally. We got 5 lb for $10 a pound! Not a bad deal at all.

5 pounds was just the right amount for us to. The girls are pros at this by now and are pretty self sufficient as long as they are cracked. This was a nice leisurely meal for us on a lazy Saturday night...

All we do with a pile of stone crab is crack them and serve them with clarified butter for dunking. We ate these cold with some oven roasted french fries and a salad. Love this meal!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!



  1. I LOVE a good deal...and I would have been all over that 10 bucks!


  2. Looks like you got a great deal! They look so good!

  3. Holy crap! Pass me a napkin, I'm diggin in! LOL That is true food porn right there, Judy. PORN. I think I'm blushing and everything.

  4. I just talked to my SIL yesterday from Fl. and she was telling me about her amazing meal she had of stone crab over the weekend. Her favorite season has arrived! Those claws look beautiful!!

  5. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......I am coming over.

  6. Oh Yesss!! Those claws look just fabulous. I can imagine how succulent the meat must have tasted. Wish I had some now....

  7. I am always thrilled to read about local dishes. They would be expensive if I were to find them here...probably cheaper to fly to Florida..wink...wink..We have friends in Englewood who we used to visit often. I remember grouper, alligator of maybe it was croc, and tiny scallops.

  8. It's been sooo long since I've had fresh stone crab claws, and I love 'em. I'm happy for you, enjoy the season!

  9. Hi DTW-Wasn't that great???

    Hey Patsyk-They were good!

    Hey Nikki-Woohoo!!!

    Hey Proud Italian Cook-I think all of us who live here love them and the season!

    Hey Brittany-I'll get some more for you!!!

    Hey Dharm-The meat is nice and sweet!

    Hey Val-Come visit and I'll serve you up a pile!

    Hi Timeless Gourmet-It's funny the things you miss huh?

  10. What a deal and they look sooooo delicious!

  11. Those look so good! I've never had stone crab before. The price and them not being local would explain it. :)

    Great to hear about your local finds. Enjoy!

  12. Those look great Judy! Don't think I have ever had stone crabs...but I would love to get my hands on some at a good price.

  13. I never knew that about the claws! Fascinating. I love all sorts of crab. You got a great deal for $50 dollars and all were well fed.

  14. Oooooohhh I LOVE them too!!!!! Love them, love them!!! I could eat until I explode :D :D You are so lucky you can get these so cheap!

  15. GORGEOUS! They're so chubby and huggable, yet so tasty. Lucky girl. Now's my turn to be jealous of your region!

  16. At $40 per pound - no way - but at a cheerful $10 a pound, count me in!

  17. Going to Joe's for stone crabs in Miami is part of a very early childhood memory for me.

  18. I love stone crab season too, but at $30-$35/pound, we don't indulge too often! I'm coming down to where you get yours. $10/pound is an incredible bargain!

  19. Oh, I miss those. I ate a few times when I lived in Florida and damn, I really wish I could eat some now. Lucky.

  20. I ate these a few times when I lived in San Diego at Creole(?)-style restaurants that served them by the pound, with a bucket of sausage, corn cobs and potatoes dumped on the table. And they made me terribly ill. I don't understand it since I can eat any other type of crab or shellfish. My mom suggested roe? I'm still wondering to this day why I can't eat them cause they are soooo good. :(

  21. I don't think I've had the good fortune to have stone crabs before, so I'm terribly jealous of that fantastic meal you had.

  22. I've never even *heard* of stone crabs before. Cool looking claws. I do love crab, though. Oregon's specialty is Dungeness crab...Mmmmm... :-)

  23. My son and I just ate about 2 pounds and have another 2 waiting in the Fridge.

    Anyone in Florida...Publix has beautiful claws on sale this week for 9.95 a pound.

  24. Honey mustard dipping sauce... hello heaven!

    Stone crabs fresh and straight from the watah:

    I used to have a restaurant in the Keys. We got our claws from them. So does Joes and everyone else down Florida way! The ship!

    You doggle is the picture of cuteness!

  25. I have an independent guy that I get jumbo claws from at $18 a pound. These things are massive. Stone crab claws are the best tasting seafood. Excellent blog Judy. All the best.
