
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My sister will delete this post from her reader...

The Best Ever Banana Muffins...I will never use another recipe!

She thinks I have gone mad with all of the muffins and cupcakes that I have been posting lately. I think she is about to plan an intervention (anyone watch "How I Met Your Mother" last night?) between me and my muffin pan. Truth be told I don't really even like my muffin pan and badly need a new one. But I am really liking muffins and cupcakes right now. Too bad Sis this one still goes in!!!

These were the absolute best banana muffins I have ever had or made. They were rich, nutty, full of chocolate and bananas. Everything a banana muffin should be. Can I duplicate the recipe? Not too sure. I had one of those bags of ingredients that you buy in bulk and always forget to label or just figure you will remember what it was. I think this bag was almond meal. Maybe from a Daring Baker challenge months ago? I guess I need more almond meal!!! My quest is over. I now have the perfect banana muffin recipe!

Banana Nut Muffins


1 1/2 cups AP Flour
1 cup pecans, chopped
1/2 cup almond meal
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 Tbsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
3 ripe bananas, mashed
3/4 cup milk
5 Tbs butter, melted
1 egg, beaten
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

  • Preheat oven 400 degrees. Place liners in your muffin pan.
  • Mix flour, pecans, almond meal, brown sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, salt and nutmeg.
  • In a separate bowl mix together the bananas, milk, butter and egg.
  • Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and mix until just moist (do not over mix). Stir in the chocolate chips.
  • Fill the muffin cups to almost over full with the batter.
  • Bake until tester comes out clean, about 20 minutes.
  • Cool for 1 minute then remove and allow to cool on wire rack.
I will never make another banana muffin using any other recipe! This makes me soooo happy. Probably my sister too who will never have to read another post on banana muffins!!!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!



  1. I love making muffins, too! I have some almond meal left from my attempt at being a DB'er (had to drop out not enough time for those long recipes!)... maybe I'll incorporate it into my next muffin or quick bread.

  2. It's....Judy right? I like muffins rich & moist and the spices help too!

  3. I'm not a big muffin fan but I've gotta try these. Bananas, pecan and chocolate equals delicious.

  4. Love muffins, love bananas, love chocolate, love nuts!

    So this recipe is sounding very nice indeed ;)

  5. Wow Judy, you are psychic or something! I just told my eldest this morning on her way out the door that she was going to have to buckle down and make some banana muffins after school today due to the overripe bananas in the fruit bowl! I'm sure this recipe will be terrific!

  6. I've only began making muffins and cupcakes the past few months but I loved them and I am hooked. I've been making them over and over again. I have made banana and chocolate chip muffins but shall try your recipe as well.

  7. That's funny, I think MY banana muffin recipe is the best ever...

    Maybe I'll have to post it.

    BTW, I use a Wilton jumbo muffin tin and absolutely love it.

    I even blogged about it here

  8. an intervention? I thought those were only reserved for important issues, unlike muffins or fake accents.
    Do you have the banner up and ready? I hope it's fireproof!

  9. That does sound like a good muffin! I'll have to try almond (or some nut) meal in the next batch I make.

  10. Hi Patsyk-I'm sure it was leftover from the same challenge I did. Use it you'll be amazed as to how good these are with it.

    Hey Peter-These were full of flavor. Yes it's Judy!

    Hi Wives with Knives-The combination was so incredible.

    Hey kittie-This was very nice indeed.

    Hey LMcC-Hope your eldest liked making these!

    Hey Ivy-This one was unique because of the nut meal in it. I've tried probably 25 of them and this was the best.

    Whatever Sarah!

    Hi sarah-You saw it!

    Hey Mike-I bet you'll love it. It almost makes them a bit more adult like!

  11. These sound delicious and I cannot wait to give them a try!

  12. Bananas and chocolate together in a moist, little muffin? What's not to love? They look fab!

  13. I made these last night - just left out the almond meal, added a little more flour, added a few tablespoons of almond paste . . . moist and delicious. Thanks! Can we use your recipe on Food Channel?

  14. Who can ever have to many muffins!

  15. WOW - these look delicious. Can't wait to try them. Love the combination of banana and pecans.

