
Friday, October 3, 2008

Apples in Puff Pastry

This was a nice size to 1/4 and serve a piece for each of us!

No I didn't make my own puff pastry. Did that once and didn't really turn out so good for me. This time I was in a hurry anyway and just wanted to use up some aging apples that I had been looking at for a while. I had one leftover sheet of puff pastry in the freezer so I thawed that out and took my apples and just plopped them in and pulled up all the edges almost like an apple galette but with puff pastry. I used an egg wash on the pastry and placed it in the oven at 350 for about 30 minutes. Checking often to see about the coloring of it. It should b a nice golden brown.

For the apples all I did was chop up a couple of apples and to taste I added cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, some sugar and a touch of water. These apples were a little dried out so I added an over ripe pear to the mix as well. I let this cook until the apples were soft. I let this cool over night but I think room temp would be okay.

This was a super easy dessert and the whole family thought I put a lot of work into it. The presentation is wonderful!

Tonight we are trying something new here. I am hosting our first monthly Dinner with Our Friends. We always used to have parties regularly but believe me when you have a huge group of friends this can get very costly. My friend Jenn and I were talking and she was telling me about some of their friends that host a Community Dinner every Tuesday night. They pick a theme for the night and then just give their friends an open invitation. I loved this idea but there is nooooo way in this world that I could ever do a weekly thing so I decided on the first Friday of every month. I said that I would host the first few and that anyone who wanted could take it over after this. We also decided on one list of friends (about 40 people with about 1/3 of that children) that are invited every month. Whoever is hosting can add to that list but not remove. Everyone is pretty excited about this and so are we. I only had to make lasagna and tidy up my house!!! Love this and can't wait to see everyone!!! I'll fill you in more on Monday after our first one but this is a low impact way to keep up with everyone throughout our very busy lives!!!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!



  1. I was just looking at an apple/puff pastry recipe yesterday! Looks delish.

    Good luck w/ your first dinner w/ friends. That's so much fun to do!

  2. Very nice...simple, well-prepared, and delicious. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I am so glad you are doing the potluck thing! I hope it is a huge hit! 40 people is a lot! Wow! We usually have 12-13 max! :) Have a great time!

  4. That looks fabulous (and super simple to boot)! What a great idea!

  5. Hi RecipeGirl-This was delish! Thanks for the well wishes with my houseful tonight!

    Hi Dave-Anytime!

    Hey Jenn-$0 is a lot but this is the first time so I am thinking it will dwindle after this!

    Thanks Lys!

  6. What a great idea! PLEASE post lots of pics!

  7. This dessert reminds me of a big McD's apple pie!

    Your pot lucks are gonna be fun...wish I was there!

  8. Enjoy, Judy! It's funny, I was just over on Mae's Food Blog and she had a round up of apple pastries and when she mentioned apples in puff pastry (her version has the apples cooked first), I thought... mmmmmm... need to make that, but I want to use a prepared sheet.

    Voila! Here you were! Looks yummy.

  9. Yum, yum, yum! I swear, I would live on baked apple desserts if I had my way...And what a gorgeous picture!

    a.k.a. The Hungry Mouse

  10. Hi Judy!
    The apple dessert looks delicious. I still have so many pears left on the trees here, I wonder.. maybe make it with pears?
    I made pear sauce, like applesauce, this week and it turned out great.
    Good luck on your get-together. It should be so much fun for all of you.
    Have a great weekend.

  11. This sounds quite easy to make! and looks delicious as well.... I hope you had a good time w friends

  12. puff pastry and baked apples are always a perfect pairing! yummy recipe!

  13. Sounds fun. I need to get our place together to entertain more. Im lovin the apples in puff pastry.

  14. An apple a day keeps the doctor away, well, may I have mine in your dessert?

  15. Love the dinner idea Judy. It gives a grat excuse to get together with friends.

  16. It really is a little tedious to make your own puff pastry! I find that store bought works wonderfully though - as proven by your apple puff pastry tarts!

  17. We gave the apple dessert a go last night and it was delicious. We actually ate them warm with vanilla bean ice cream. I'd better stop talking about it now or I'm going to raid the fridge for the leftovers! Thanks for the recipe!

  18. Psshh. Most pastry chefs buy their puff, so don't feel bad. I ALWAYS buy it. Who has the time, ya know?

    Apples and puff- what could be better? Your kitchen must have smelled AMAZING.

  19. I just picked up some frozen puff pastry at WF a few days ago -- new brand. It has to cool down here before I can make some of these. Can't wait. LOVE baked apple anything. YUM.

  20. This looks fantastic - I can't wait to make it for my husband. Apple desserts are his favorite!
