
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Okay so inspite of everything we have really been eating!

See how nice and simple it looks...Pure comfort food!!!

I know it seems like all of my posts have been about the weather. In between all the fretting, worrying and trying to figure out what to do we have been eating, and quite well at that!

The other night we had some ravioli that we had bought at Costco. We've had it before. See here

This time we had some spinach that we needed to use up so I made a cream sauce with garlic, spinach and some Parmesan cheese. I then topped it with some fresh tomatoes. This was a nice and easy meal which we needed to help take some of the stress away. You'll see that most of the foods that we have eaten the past couple of days have been real comfort foods.

Funny how you turn to food isn't it?

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!



  1. Oh yum, I find comfort is perfect when you are stuck together as a family in a stressful situation, no matter how hot it is outside.

  2. Glad you are doing ok... and that you are still eating!

  3. fay or no fay, you still got to eat. ;) thank god you're not badly affected by fay. i watched the video and you're right. i wouldn wanna see what 70mph wind look like.

  4. I am glad that life is getting back to normal in your neck of the woods Judy. Be safe:D

  5. Hey Brittany-I Hear ya. We didn't loose power so the air was still on but we did need the comfort!

    Hey Ben-I like that...full stomach, happy heart!

    Thanks kittie!

    Hi Salt N Tumeric-Crazy wind huh?

    Hi Val-No real damage other than people losing some trees but that can happen during one of our afternoon storms!

  6. Oh my gosh, that looks so good!! I'm so glad you're doing ok down there!

  7. What is the cream sauce,please? This looks so good.

  8. Had to make this last night. The picture inspired me. It's a great recipe for the abundant summer tomatoes and basil. Yummy AND beautiful. Thanks.

  9. Thanks Jenn!

    Thanks Elle!

    Oh Annie I am so glad you made it and liked it!!!
