
Monday, August 25, 2008

Homemade Tacos

This is an older picture of a taco with pico de gallo and tomatillo salsa

It was a crazy, crazy weekend.

My youngest daughter has decided that she really likes competitive ice skating and wants to do another competition. Seeing as she is only 6 I have decided to let her only do ones that are at our home rink. Saves me travel and more chaos! With this though it means more time is spent at the rink. We had lessons on Friday night and Saturday.

T. was away for the weekend so I had decided that my youngest one could finally have her sleepover that I promised her for her birthday. So while T. was away I had a couple more 6 year olds running around the house screaming. I have to say though that I love this age. Their isn't the drama that comes with the 8 year olds...yet!

T got home late Saturday night and was able to help with all of the girls in the morning. At least running herd on them while we got breakfast was easier then because they were tired!

Once all the kids were gone we decided to spend some nice family time together and go and have a picnic. One of the great things about having a tropical storm or a hurricane pass through is that it really dries out the air. Today was just beautiful. 88 degrees with low humidity is beautiful in our books. We went to the Caloosahatchee Regional Park and had some lunch and then took a short walk to the river and hung out there for a bit. After this we came home and I tried to figure out meals for during the week. With the new skating schedule and school about to get reved up I needed a plan.

I decided that we would have pizza on Tuesday which would be the late night. Wouldn't get home from the rink until 7:30 but I could make the dough before hand and then T. (pretty please) could throw the sauce and toppings on it and throw it in the oven.

Another night we could have tacos. I have a really simple combination of spices that is so versatile I can use it on anything that I can find...chicken, pork, beef or even seafood. When I make a batch of it I make enough to last for 2 meals. No more as I think the mix loses it flavor after too long in a bag. I can make this whole meal and have it in the fridge ready to be heated up in time for dinner. Can't beat that!

Love the colors of all of the spices mixed together!



1-1/2 Tbsp chili powder

1 tsp garlic powder

1 tsp onion powder

¼ tsp crushed red pepper flakes

¼ tsp cayenne

¼ tsp dried oregano

½ tsp paprika

1-1/2 tsp ground cumin

1 tsp sea salt

1 tsp black pepper

1 lb of your choice of meat (buffalo (very lean), beef, venison (very lean), chicken, or pork)

1 cup of water


  • In a small bowl combine all of the ingredients but the meat. Set aside.
  • Brown you meat of choice (we have recently used buffalo, beef, and venison.)
  • Once the meat is browned add as much or as little of the seasoning as you would like. We find that this seasoning mix usually makes us 2 meals.
  • Add 1 cup water
  • Allow to simmer until the spice is absorbed and there is no liquid left.
  • Place as much meat as you would like in your lettuce cup.
  • Top with your choice of taco toppings (cheese, Pico de Gallo, hot sauce etc.)
This can be used with just about any meat or seafood. It can also be used to make nachos!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!



  1. Good to see you survived the storm (and had delicious looking tacos!). :)

  2. I love homemade tacos! I will have to try your version!

  3. I always love tacos. These sound delicious. I also like the idea of buffalo/venison--two meats I still need to try!

  4. Hi Tom-survived and suffered no damage! It sure did stick around though.

    Hey Brittany-let me know how you like it!

    Hey Mike-Buy some ground buffalo and give these a try!

    Hey Ben-I was getting so many tomatillos last spring and I made a bunch of this. Do you have a favorite recipe posted?

  5. Your tacos sound great, I can't wait to try them. Another easy taco recipe I love is below:

    Fish Tacos

    -1 pound salmon or shark filets, cut into strips
    -2 tablespoons olive oil
    -¼ cup each red, yellow and green pepper strips, cut into strips
    -¼ cup chopped yellow onion
    -¼ cup shredded cheddar cheese
    -2 tablespoons chopped cilantro
    -2 cups Salads of the Sea Seafood Salad
    -8 flour tortillas, wrapped in foil and heated at 300 degrees for at least 6 minutes


    Heat olive oil in medium frying pan. Add strips of fish and sear. Turn once, allowing both sides to be crispy, but not dry (about 2 minutes per side.) Remove from pan and set aside. Add peppers and onions to pan and sauté for 2 minutes, allowing the vegetables to remain crispy. Turn off heat and begin assembly.

    Place one tortilla on a plate; add fish, top with peppers and onion, sprinkle with cheese according to taste. Add 2 tablespoons (or more if desired) of Salads of the Sea Seafood Salad. Garnish with chopped cilantro and fold. Serves 4.

  6. Those tacos look yummy Judy! I love them, but we rarely make them. I think tomorrow that is going to change - I have some leftover shrimp and happy I am thinking tacos! :)

  7. There's nothing better than homemade Tacos! They look scrumptious!

    I also make my own seasoning...



  8. What a great recipe,definitely bookmarking this one.

    zainab :)

  9. July - love the mix of spices. I use something very similar and dry rub my ribs with it and wrap loose in tin foil for a few hours in the fridge. Then tightly wrap in 2 layers tin foil and bake at 325 for several hours and then but bbq sauce on them and throw them on the grill. I am going to try your mixture next time as I am out of a few of my odd staples I use for mine. Thanks. As always I love your recipes and comentary.

    formerly known as "big mouth"

  10. Thanks Morgan that looks good. This seasoning also works well with fish.

    Hey Jenn-yummy!!!

    Hi Rosa - Thanks

    Hi Arabic Bites-Glad you like it!

    Hi Life is Good- Great idea on the ribs. Thanks!

  11. I love tacos! They're perfect for quickie meals and so flavourful that it doesn't feel like you're being deprived. Glad to hear the storm has passed and you are all well.

  12. I love tacos, yet have never tried to make them myself...!

    Which really should be remedied...!

  13. Hello Judy and friends!

    Complete novice here, and I think my handle probably says it all. I just wanted to thank you for this fantastic recipe and let you know I'll be back for many, many more!

    As you all can see, I'm a total newbie, but have had a recent epiphany that it's time to grow up (to an extent) ie: I've fallen in love with cooking and it's various concoctions. Tonight, I cooked the home-made taco recommendation and cannot begin to explain how delicious it was.

    I'm going to be back here for many, many more, and would love to make some new friends, so bear with me as I live up to my handle as I give up being brat and head into the Newbie_Adult world!

  14. I get evening meals half prepared in the mornings, while I am grabbing this dish at your blog
