
Thursday, July 17, 2008

Just trying to get back into the swing of things...

Food Blogging is the best and Food Bloggers are even better! This is Jenn-The Leftover Queen and I in St. Augustine!

We got home late Tuesday night from our 2 week vacation of visiting family and some wonderful new found friends. Get this...not only did T. drive 2 kids and 2 dogs through the country from from south to north and then back again but, he also made time for me to meet some people that I so desperately wanted to meet!!! Isn't he the best?

I posted my last post about meeting up with Peter of Kalofagas-Greek Food and Beyond for a day when we were in Toronto. That was an incredible day that I will not soon forget but I also got to meet up the the Queen!!! The Leftover Queen that is! How lucky am I???

I have been talking to Jenn for several months now and when T. and I had firmed up our vacation plans I knew that we would be passing near St. Augustine on the 15th. I let Jenn know and she said that she would love to spend a bit of time with us on our way through.

Unfortunately we did not have the luxury of too much time and the kids were wild and the dogs were wild...But we did get to at least meet and know that we want to get to know each other better! After spending some incredibly crazy and hectic time in Jenn and Roberto's beautiful condo we decided that it would be safer and better if we took a short walk to get some of our favorite food...Gelato! Yep, they live right in the historic area of the oldest city in the nation and within walking distance to some really, really good Gelato. Pretty neat if you ask me!!! Amid some chaos we eventually made it to their favorite place and we were able to sit and talk for a bit before it was time for us to get back on the road. We still had about 5 hours to go on the journey home!

When I think about all of the wonderful people that I have made connections with through food blogging it helps me to see how blessed I am in my incredible life. If not for our like mindedness none of us would have had the opportunity to be enriched by all of these wonderful people!

I can't urge you enough to get out there and meet other food bloggers (with safety always in mind!). Maybe you think you are too shy, or too busy or it is just too inconvenient- push yourself a little and get out there and meet them. I am so glad that I did and you will be too!!! I feel that I have made 2 life long friends through this and I wouldn't trade that for the world!

Now for something completely different...Food and a recipe!!!

During our drive from here to Pennsylvania for the first leg of our trip I grabbed myself the July copy of Food & Wine. Usually I don't have time to read too many magazines but with nothing else to do besides refereeing my children's back seat battles this was a perfect chance to catch up on things to read. While I was checking out some of the articles I came across several recipes that would be great for feeding larger groups of people. I had the perfect opportunity to make one of these during our week long stay sister's beautiful house in a suburb of Toronto! Thanks Sis for putting up with us!!!

The puppy (5 mos old and the size of a horse) playing in the sprinkler! My sister's yard backs onto a beautiful ravine filled with wildlife. We saw a mother deer and her two babies just about everyday!!!

Green Bean-and-Tomato Salad with Tarragon Dressing (adapted from Food and Wine-July 2008)
  • 2 pounds green and yellow string beans
  • 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
  • 2 medium shallots, minced
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 tablespoons chopped tarragon
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper
  • 1 pint cherry tomatoes, halved
  1. In a large pot of boiling salted water, cook the beans until just tender, about 4 minutes. Drain the beans and spread them on a large baking sheet to cool. Pat dry.
  2. In a small bowl, whisk the olive oil with the shallots and tarragon and season with salt and pepper. Place the beans and tomatoes in a large bowl, add the dressing and toss well. Transfer to a platter and serve.

MAKE AHEAD The cooked beans and dressing can be refrigerated separately overnight. Bring to room temperature before tossing.

This was such an easy salad to prepare and make ahead. I love things like this when I am cooking for people that I want to spend lots of time with!!!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!



  1. Glad to see you getting around. This afternoon I will meet my 5th food blogging pal. Once you start you cant stop

  2. Judy, nice're a poet and you don't even know it!

    Again, it was wonderful meeting you and you're right, that bean salad looks yum with the 2 beans and I love tarragon. You may now resume the pool position. ;)

  3. That salad looks great Judy! :)

    We had such a blast - I am glad the girls approved of the gelato (they are connoisseurs- dont'chall know?)

    Looking forward to seeing you and T. again soon! :)

  4. How cool is that to meet your fellow foodies in person! I wish it happens to me one day too:)

    Anyone coming to Long Beach, California?:)

  5. This looks fantastic - I've been on a bit of a tarragon kick recently. I don't know if I could handle bringing 2 dogs on a road trip - I can barely handle my 1!

  6. Wonderful that you were able to meet up with Jenn. Glad you had such a wonderful holiday from Florida to Canada and back:D

  7. Judy you are so LUCKY to know bloggers friend, is so nice,xxGloria

  8. Hi Glamah-it's all fun and games isn't it?

    Oh Peter-Life is so crazy that I haven't even looked at my pool let alone lounged by it! But the weekend is here so look out!

    Hi Jenn I can't wait to see you guys again. Hopefully it's sooner rather than later!

    Hi Farida-Put that invitation out there and you will be surprised at who is just passing through!

    Hi Fearless-We are pretty hardcore! That salad with the fresh tarragon is the best. I can't wait to make it again!

    Hi Val-I was so lucky that Jenn was able to make time to meet us all. It was really a great trip!

    Hi Gloria-I am very lucky to have blogger friends!

  9. Nice recipe. and enjoyable history. Thanks for your post.
