
Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Love...and Happy 4th of July to All!

Today is wonderful day for us. Not only is it one of the nations biggest holidays it is alsomy oldest daughters birthday. She turns 8 today and I have no idea where the years have gone!!!

We are currently on vacation and will be spending her birthday in PA where T's family is. She is going to get tobexperience a northern 4th of July for the first time. No mosquitos,90 degree heat, thunderstorm delays... You get the picture!!

I am posting this from my iPhone and can't figure out how to get pics on here!!!

Have a great day everyone and stay safe on thus long holiday weekend!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!



  1. ah, i remember northern holidays--the best one every was in pennsylvania, in fact. they had the best fireworks display i've ever seens. even better than the one in washington d.c!!!

  2. I also saw Pennsylvania fireworks and they were pretty good .

  3. I live about 40 minutes from PA, in Ohio to be exact.. and I go into Erie, PA to see fireworks everytime I get the chance, they have a great show and the drive out their is very relaxing. Happy Birthday to your daughter and I hope she never forgets her visit to PA!

  4. Haha you got a comment from adult dvd.

    Happy birthday, Oldest Daughter! It's also Emiline from Sugar Plum's birthday.

  5. I hope you had a great bday celebration and 4th of July. I added your blog to my blog links - hope that is OK, I can't wait to try some of these recipes, they look fabulous!

  6. Happy birthday to your daughter!

    Congrats on being a blog of note, by the way.

  7. yeah congrats on being a blog of note! I was looking for some this morning and I found this one and its pretty cool! (Plus I love to cook :) )

  8. Miss you Judy! Glad you are having fun! Happy birthday to your daughter!

  9. Hey Judy and Happy (late) birthday to the oldest daughter. Farm man just had a birthday too.
    I just saw you were a blog of note.I am so proud of you! Good job.
    Miss the great recipes lately and just had to come for a visit. The garden is really going now, so I am busy, busy.
    Have a great week!

  10. Hi Judy,

    I still can't figure out how to get my pictures out of my telephone!?! I think I will find a child to do it for me!


  11. congrats on being blog of note...had to post, my bday is (was) the 5th, I love having it right after the 4th...there is always a party and always good food. So happy belated to your daughter, hope she enjoys it as much as I have mine!

  12. happy birthday to your daughter and god bless.

  13. Happy belated birthday to your daughter! Hope you had a wonderful extended weekend.

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  15. Happy Birthday to K from Sean and I! I don't know of mosquitos up there but aren't there any lightning bugs to play with?

  16. You have done a good job.Congratulations and best of luck for the future.

  17. Kids grow so fast! My daughter will become 12 this week, and she was still a baby yesterday...

    Happy birthday to your grown baby :D
