
Friday, June 6, 2008

Salmon and Pesto - a match made in heaven?

Wild Sockeye Salmon with organic basil pesto

Last night was a busy one again and further complicated by the girls being out of school earlier, 3 dogs, and T. having to work late. Usually I get the meal all ready to go and then take the girls to whatever we have going on that evening and T. can either finish the meal or just heat heat what I have made up. Until I get into some sort of routine (not very good with routines!) everything will be a little hectic. We made the most of it though and had dinner ready in under an hour so we were just about done by 7:30.

Last weekend when we on our weekly pilgrimage to Costco I saw that they had some IQF (indivifual quick frozen) wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon. Yes it was expensive but seeing as I am not eating much meat now I thought it was totally worth it. I was right. This fish was delicious. I only cooked up one piece for the girls to split and I guess I should have done 2. They were done in no time! We topped ours with some basil pesto. Seeing as I have used up all of the pesto that I froze and I don't have nearly enough on my poor leggy plants outside I had to buy some. I am always so hesitant because it always tastes a little processed. This stuff was incredible though. I can't wait to use it on some pasta!

See it looks like homemade!

All I did with the fish was to place it on a foil lined baking sheet (we topped ours with pesto and the girls had olive oil and salt) and set the oven on broil in the highest setting. I left the rak about 2 places down from the top and let it cook for about 4 minutes. I then moved it to the rack closest to the elements to help toast the top up a bit. This was a really great meal served up with some quick zucchini fritters. I would have liked a salad but the kids needed to eat. Next time it is a salad!!!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!



  1. Judy, looks simple enough and you know where I stand on seafood? lol

    This would be grand on a cedar plank in the Q!

  2. Oh thats good.A winning combo. I have some info on my blog for a chance to win some free Alasken salmon.

  3. I could do this on the BBQ too with some of our wild BC salmon:D

  4. Hi Peter. We were going to grill it but the broiler was faster and closer! LOL

    hi Glamah-great contest. Very timely!

    Hi Val-I will do it next time on the grill! Huge difference between the wild and the farmed! Better for you and the environment as well!

  5. The salmon looks delicious. It looks like a wonderful summer recipe.
    Have a good weekend.

  6. I am glad to know that Costco salmon is good. I have eyed it a couple of times but didn’t know anything about the quality, and didn’t want to spend the dollars on something iffy.

  7. I don't see why you can't put salmon and zucchini fritters on a salad. The kids will have to learn! :)

    I really wish I had as much time to blog as you, Judy.

  8. Thanks Pam!

    Hey Toontz-be sure it is the wild salmon. Well worth the money!

    Hey Heather-The kids have learned. I think it was a time thing! I like the next comment on the time to do this...Hahahahahahaha.....I have no time but thankfully eating is something we have to do so it falls right into my crazy day!

  9. Judy, salmon and pesto is a match made in heaven! I just did a post on that a couple of weeks ago. Yours looks so good, and those eggplant fritters up above are to die for, another veggie I adore!
