
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Limoncello Summer Cocktail

Nicely chilled bottle of Limoncello

I am always on the hunt for something that will just scream summer on the beach or by the pool...I think I found it.

My sister spent last week in Italy so I was thinking about all things Italian. With the technology now I was able to keep in touch with her the whole time. Pretty much knowing what she was eating and doing all day long! Pretty sweet huh?

It was with her in mind that I went into our liquor store the other day to buy myself a bottle of Limoncello. I had never tasted it before and thought that is was about time I did. With my bottle in hand I raced home and poured myself some to taste over ice. (very sad face) I didn't like it. But in my true determined nature I was going to find a way that this was good! And did I ever...

Here is what I came up with:

Limoncello Summer Cocktail

Pour 3 ounces of Limoncello over ice. Top with fresh squeezed lemon juice and sparkling water (Perrier or San Pellagrino) to taste.

I can't wait to serve this to my girlfriends while we waste away the afternoon around the pool watching the kids play!!! This is now my knew favorite drink...Yummmmm!!!

Onto something totally different. We are all mourning the loss of Tastespotting but some wonderful individuals have come up with some really good options! I think my favorite is Foodgawker. The set up of this one is very similar to Tastespotting. My friend Robin at Caviar and Codfish has also set one up called FPDaily. Last but not least is Recipes2Share. Thanks to all of you who are running these new sites!

Be sure to check out all of these wonderful sites!!!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!



  1. Seems to be quite a few upstarts after Tastespotting folded...competition is good, no?

    As for limoncello, since you're in FLA and you have an abundance of lemons and cheap vodka..why not try one of the several recipes online where you can make your own?

  2. Hey Peter-love competition! As for the limoncello you guessed my secret! I just wanted to make sure I could drink it first. I am just getting these huge lemons at the market right now and they would be perfect!!!

  3. Yum! Sounds like a great cocktail! You know I am crying over here right now, because it is not lemon season here in this part of florida...lets see, I have the grain alcohol (more traditional than vodka - although in a pinch vodka is way good! ;) - I have made it both ways!) and you have the lemons...sounds like the perfect marriage!

  4. I've never had Limoncello either. So by itself it isn't good, but when you add more lemon it is? Or is it the sparkling water that does the trick?

  5. Hey Jenn-I like it but it is just so sweet without the helpers!

    Hi MrOrph-I just found it a little candy like and thick when it was straight. I think the lemon made it brighter and the water made it lighter!

  6. The bottloe says Bellini how could I not love this one Judy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Judy,Although your drink sounds delightful don't stop now, Limoncello is good in baking too,such as Limoncello poundcake, or how about limoncello tirimisu??
    Delicious!! The possibilities are endless!

  8. Could I be one of your mentioned girlfriends? You seem to be having a lot of fun Judy!!!!!
    Can't wait to have my bathing suit on and my cocktail by the pool too :D

  9. I'll have one, please! And I call dibs on that lounge chair in the corner by your pool, too (after the rain has stopped, I mean). *giggle*

  10. Now you see, over here is is Summer ALL the time... so that cocktail would go down lovely!!

  11. Hi Val-isn't that funny. I knew it was familiar!

    Hi Italian Cook-I already have plans for that but the bottle didn't last long enough! tehehe!

    Hi Nuria-I am having a lot of fun. I hope I am building some good memories for the girls too-and not of Mom sloshed by the pool??? LOL

    Nikki-You can have some from the next bottle-no rain, promise!

    Dharm-This would be perfect for you then!!!

  12. Nothjing says summer more. I love the stuff.

  13. That cocktail sounds perfect for sitting by the pool!

  14. Judy, try making your own limoncello. You might like it better. There are lots of great recipes for it. I posted one a while ago on Bleeding Espresso. There is even a limoncello blog out there. I like to put it in ice creams or sorbets too.

  15. And I just happen to have a 3/4 full bottle of Limoncello in my it's supposed to be 80 degrees, too, so a perfect summer cocktail to have on the deck while watching the donkeys browse the pasture below. Not quite the same as sittin' by your nice pool, but it'll have to do. :-) Care to join me?

  16. Yum...I made one of these for my husband, his son, and myself this's in the mid 70's here and a perfect summer evening.
    It was delicious! :-) Thanks, Judy! :-)

  17. Hi Judy, found your site in a roundabout way but glad I did. I love Limoncillo and have started making my own from a recipe I got on lucullian delights blog. It is easy to make and sooo yummy. And keep it in the freezer. It is delicious straight out of there. I imagine your cocktail will make a lovely summery drink. Its winter here now so I will keep it in mind for next summer. Thanks! And thanks so much for the foodstalker and other sites. I was an avid Tastespotter fan and have already been to the ones you suggested this evening. Great!!!

  18. Sorry ummmm make that foodgawker.........silly me, its late and Im tired!!!

  19. This reminds me of my friend who came back from Italy last summer obsessing over limoncello!
