
Friday, May 9, 2008

Very, Very, Yummy Peanut Butter Bars!

I was going to wait until later tonight to do a post about the amazing shrimp I got today from my Shrimp Guys but I changed my mind and am going to sit on my butt with my feet up for the night so that post will have to wait until tomorrow.

Anyway, I had about 40 minutes before it was time for me to go and get the girls this afternoon and I realized that they really had nothing for a snack and I had seen a recipe for Peanut Butter Bars earlier this week on A Southern Grace and thought I could make these before I got the girls. Grace's are much cuter and she cut them into little, cute hearts...yep I had about 30 minutes at this point, remember. We had ran out of our regular organic, all natural PB mid week and we have been feeding the girl's some Skippy (egad it has sugar in it????) that I had left over from Christmas baking until I got some on Saturday. So I really wanted to get this used up and out of the house and this was a great way to do it. This whole recipe probably took me about 10 minutes to make and are they ever good but don't take my word for it. Pull out the peanut butter the next time you have 10 minutes that you don't know what to do with!

Very, Very Yummy Peanut Butter Bars (from Recipezaar)

3/4 C graham cracker crumbs
1 1/2 - 2 C powdered sugar
3/4 C peanut butter
1/2 C butter, melted
1 (12 oz) bag semi sweet chocolate chips (I used Ghirardelli's semi-sweet and bittersweet chips mixed)

Combine the crumbs, sugar, and peanut butter and mix well. Blend in the melted butter until well combined. Press mixture evenly into a greased or wax paper lined 8X8 pan. Melt chocolate chips and spread over the peanut butter mixture. Chill until just set and cut into bars. Allow to cool the rest of the way before serving.

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!



  1. Judy, that looks like my kind of food there. I am going to save the recipe.
    I haven't forgotten about the nice award, just busy. We are going out of town for the weekend. I will work on it next week. Thanks again.
    Have a good Mother's Day weekend.

  2. Judy, what a great recipe! I am going to let my 11 yo make these herself! She loves to come home from school and get right in the kitchen. Lately it has been banana chocolate chip bread, which we are all beginning to tire of and this house is filled with pb lovers so this will be perfect! Also, I'm making your favorite pasta dish tonight. I love the fresh flavors! Can't wait to read about the Shrimp! Jealous of the size/freshness. All we get in PA is Whole Foods!

  3. These look great and my kids will love them! Nice blog you have.

  4. "you got chocolate in my peanut butter"! lol

    Sorry, I had to and if they are anything like Reese's peanut butter cups...I will forgo savory food!

  5. How could you not just sit on a couch with a pan of these and eat until you're sick to your stomach like you wanted when you're 4? DELISH!!!

  6. These look seriously good! I love how thick the chocolate looks! YUM, YUM!

  7. We used to make these as kids. They are so good, best at room temp (after storing in fridge). I made/blogged them not too long ago and now I want some more. :)

  8. yes...these definitely meet my main qualifications for keeper recipes--simple and delicious. glad i could inspire you! :)

  9. I like this two layers Peanut Butter Bars.You making me hungry.I will be happy if I see it in my breakfast.

  10. these look and sound amazing. i'd like to have them in my lunch box please :)

  11. They're so good, aren't they? to anyone that is considering making these...go ahead! You will not be sorry!

  12. Hi Pam-Happy Mother's Day and enjoy your weekend away!

    Lmcc-This is a great desert for her to try and make! I will let my oldest one do it next time...let me know how you liked the pasta!

    Lisa- Thank you!

    Peter-They are that good!

    Hi Francie-It was a pleasant way to spend the evening and I blamed the missing pieces on Daddy!!!

    Hi Vickie-The chocolate was nice and rich from mixing the two types.

    Rachelle-These are too good aren't they?

    Hi Grace-I'm glad you caught them. I was going to email you and let you know I had linked to you but forgot...

    bmx-That would definitely be a great way to start the day!

    diva-they are amazing and really simple!

    Thanks elle-they are the best!

  13. Wow! I have bookmarked this one to try soon... I just know my boys will love this one! Thanks for sharing it.

  14. ohhh I am going to have to try these. Thanks for the recipe. I had some similar when I was younger and they were so yummy

  15. I needed a quick after school snack and found this recipe. Super quic and easy, with all of my favorite things. My children call them "kid-crack" which is so accurate for an addictive treat!

  16. Wow, that's some spam you got there! Spam losers.

    the bars look fabulous! I could eat about half a dozen of those right now!
