
Friday, May 30, 2008

Has anyone ever heard of this before???

I kinda feel like this is a cheater post but in my defense I spent the whole morning in a Dr's appt and then ran errands right up until now. I get to pick the girls up in about an hour so my day is pretty much done!

Anyway, my Mother-in-law sent me an email last week asking me to try out something that she was sent. I have to say I was skeptical at first. Like come on who would make and omelet in a Ziploc bag??? We gave this a test run the day that we left to go to the Keys...

just making sure you remembered...anyway they worked. And really, really well. We all had our omelets ready at the same time and exactly the way we each wanted them. T. even had jalapeƱos in his! This is great for a weekday morning or a rushed weekend one as well!

Breakfast Ziploc Omelets

Good for when you're alone or when all or when all of your family is together. The best feature is that no one has to wait for their special omelet. Have the guests write their name on a quart size Ziploc freezer bag with a permanent marker. (These are not my pictures. They came with the email. I am sorry to have "borrowed" someone else's pics but that morning was very rushed and I took no pictures!)

  • Crack 2 eggs into the quart size bag (not more than 2) and shake well.
  • Put out a variety of ingredients such as: cheeses, ham, onions, green peppers, tomatoes, salsa etc. Pretty much anything that you would put in a regular omelet.
  • Everybody adds the prepared ingredients of choice to their bag and shakes the bag to mix them well.
  • Make sure to get the air out of the bag and zip it up.
  • Place the bags into rolling boiling water for EXACTLY 13 MINUTES. You can cook 6 - 8 omelets in a large pot. If you have more omelets, make another pot of boiling water.
  • Cut the bags and the omelet will roll out easily (yep - it really does!!!)
  • This is nice to serve with fresh fruit and coffee cake. Everyone gets involved in the process.
  • You can even get these ready the night before andjust plop the bags in boiling water while you get ready!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!



  1. Haha how cool! I love this- thanks for sharing. This isn't a cheater post at all :)

  2. Hey, I want to try this one! I like omelets and this looks perfectly shaped!

  3. I like the idea too! You have a good weekend also.

  4. This is a great recipe.I have used this camping. I put the eggs in the ziplock bags the night before (and store them in the portable fridge)them make up the ommlets the mext morning. No worrying about breaking eggs on the drive down.

  5. love it! we used to make these on camping trips all the time...

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. They have made these at all the Girl Guide camps for years. So easy and no cleanup. Each camper can adapt them to their own tastes. How perfect is that:D

  8. Hi, neighbor,

    I live in Clearwater very close to my friend Jaden Hair. My boyfriend "Big Bear" and I just got back from the Keys where we spent SOOoo much money and ate SOoo much good food (that's why "Big Bear" weighs 450 pounds and has absolutely no neck).

    I love the ziploc method and have been using it for many years (I am 50 years old now).

    Love your blog, and I am a PROFESSIONAL CHEF.

  9. This might have to be my dinner this evening - I saw Paula Dean do this and they look terrific!

  10. I saw it once before and now I'm intrigued enough to try it too!

  11. Outta curiosity... aren't plastics toxic?

    But the omellette looks pretty darn good! =)

  12. Do you have to oil the bags? If not I imagine that shave a few calories too. Great idea. Especially cooking a lot of omlettes for guests.

  13. This is a fun breakfast for sleepover parties. I remember making these at birthday sleepovers when I was little.

  14. My kids love making these! They're fun!

  15. Thanks for all the great comments.

    As for the people worried about toxicity of is everywhere! Water bottles, water, the meat you eat, the water you drink, the air you breath, Teflon non-stick pans, I could go on and on! Everything in moderation. Don't do this every day and all will be good!!!

  16. OMG this is the most brilliant idea ever! I am trying this in the morning! You rock!

  17. But this is something that I'd make one of those days that there is not much time for cooking or I just feel lazy.

  18. Unbelievable! I saw this on tastespotting. Go figure.

  19. i just came across your blog and i am loving every post
    this is interesting, omlets in a bag- i will give it a try inthe morning!
