
Monday, April 7, 2008

Where did the weekend go???

Wow...come Friday last week I couldn't believe that the week was finished and we were starting into the weekend and now that isn't Monday I can't believe that the weekend is over. Is this just me or is everyone feeling like this???????

Nothing really spectacular on the food front. Friday night I made a new recipe but it sucked so I ended up having to take everyone for ice cream to help fill those empty tummies. Saturday night T made Eggplant Parmesan but I have already posted that numerous times!!! Last night all we had was leftover Eggplant Parmesan (always better the next day!) and a nice beautiful summer salad!

One thing though that I have been meaning to post forever is a meal that T. aunt made and emailed me about a while ago. Sorry Aunt Janet things take me forever to get to!!!

This is the email that came with the pictures and it looked so great!!! Thanks again Aunt Janet and can't wait to see everyone this summer!!!

I had to share this with you. Struggling with what to do for dinner today (we don't do Sunday soup), I decided to try your PASTA WITH FRESH TOMATO & BASIL. Since I had not planned this meal, I had to work with what I had. I used your recipe to come up with this. G. called it a Tuscan, style dinner. I had no plum tomatoes, so I used something even better than the farmers market. Tomatoes from our own garden. I had them in the freezer. I had never done the garlic in the oven, so that was a real treat for me. I wish I had taken a picture of that, it was soooo beautiful. G. is a meat man, so I roasted a chicken, rubbed with sea salt & garlic powder in the oven. I also had it covered with my garden tomatoes. After it cooked, I added the juice to my tomato basil sauce. What a treat!!!!! It was so different than most tomato sauces that I make. G. & T. couldn't get enough!!!

You have no idea how great this email was for me! I inspired someone how is a really, really good cook to try something new! What a great feeling and if you have never cooked a chicken in tomato sauce you haven't really lived!!! Anyway onto the pics...

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!



  1. Positive feedback like this is priceless and it just fuels my verve to blog.

    Way to go!

  2. I know what you mean Judy! Time flies... ups flyes... oh I got all mixed up... goes so fast!!!
    And concerning the email, aaaahhh that must be a great feeling!!! Congrats to you♥ Keep it up :D
    Tonight I'm on leftovers too... but it already looks soooooo good :D

  3. Thanks Peter-It was really nice to get this email.

    Hey Nuria-Times does fly!!! Hope your left overs were yummy!

  4. Well I have to agree, I find your blog endlessly inspiring! And this post is no different, I am anxious to try the roast chicken, and am going to start hunting your site for the garlic in the oven thing she mentioned:)

  5. Judy,

    I'm always picking up great recipes and tips from your blog! I'll have to send you a pic of one of my meals sometime!


  6. My mom always told me that life would pass before my I understand totally what you mean!!! Isn't it positive that someone tried your meals and let you know that it worked out so well. That is what cooking is all about:D

  7. I love getting emails like that - it really keeps me going! If it wasn't for positive feedback, I would not be where I am today!

    Time DOES fly!

  8. Hey Brittany-The roasted garlic recipe is with the tomato and basil with roasted garlic pasta recipe. Roasted garlic is also good smeared on some fresh baked crusty bread. Thanks for the comps!

    Hey Francie I have been looking for a way to reach you. I posted your rice again last week and it got picked up by NBC in San Diego. Email me and I will send you the link to it! Please send me pictures! I love for this!

    Hey Val - I remember my Mom saying the exact same thing. I didn't think it would pass this quick though. DH and I are celebrating 12 years of marriage this year...I was shocked!

    Hi Jenn-Isn't it true about the positive feedback.
    And just you wait. You'll look back on this time of your life and think about all the free time you have and wished you had of bottled some of it! Especially with children!

  9. I'm a little late here, but I came back for this recipe. It's just like having my own recipe book right here!!! Saves paper and I won't end up with all those greasy spots on my cookbook this way!
