
Thursday, February 14, 2008

My Farmer's Market haul and new compost bin!

Crazy looking huh? Romanesco - cauliflower

Fresh Produce from the Farmer's Market

Okay now I have said it before and I will say it again and again...I am a city girl, was born a city girl and will always be a city girl, but...I have one problem. I really like good food! I have found that they best way to get some really good food is to grow it myself or find some really good sources for it.

Doesn't sound very city girl like huh? I have learned though that there is nothing in the world like a nice ripe tomato plucked from your garden, still warm from the sun and just waiting for some sea salt and a knife. I have found a really good source for organic produce at the Worden Farm Farmer's Market. I have also been able to locate a great source for goat milk...I am still hunting the fresh eggs but the cage free ones from the store are satisfying for now! But having my own garden again will make it all right again. I think we may have to make it bigger for all the things I would like to try.

Somehow though we missed this years growing season which starts in late August, early September. We went through a couple of surgeries last year and just our regular day to day chaos got in the way. But regardless of that I wanted to be completely ready for this year coming up. I made T. buy me a composter!!! This is not our first time with one but this is the fanciest one we have ever had. No turning the pile using a shovel. No worrying about critters getting into it. By starting it right now we can have the dirt all cooked and ready to go by the end of the summer. My brand new composter

It sound like a perfect plan right? Oh, but our garden needs a lot of work this year!!! We need to take the weed barrier up and get rid of the empty tomato cages, maybe expand it. Maybe we should tackle that this weekend. My sadly neglected garden (and really old dog (16 yr old black lab!!!)

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!



  1. That compost bin is soooo cool! I love it!

  2. Now that backyard looks plenty big for some of your own cage-free, free range chickens! :-)

    Love the composter!

  3. Thanks Robin-I will sure love the nice dirt that it makes!

    Now farmgirl_dk-remember I am a city girl and our kind city folk here would not take kindly to me going against the wonderful city governing ordinances and building myself a chicken egg production type thing! Trust me I've thought of it and there are definite laws against that sort of thing!

  4. Ah, yes. You just keep telling yourself that you're a city girl, Judy, over and over. I'm on to you, though. You're lurking at enough of these farm-type blogs, that I feel a definite change in the wind...and, anyway, have you double-checked those city ordinances, just to be sure? :-) The city of Portland, for example, allows up to 3 hens (no roosters) within the city limits. C'mon - you and I could start our chick-rearing adventures together...!

  5. I love your compost bin. I agree with farmgirl_dk. I think there is a farmer inside somewhere??
    Now come over to my place for your award.

  6. I think I derive far too much pleasure from composting - I even get giddy when the black soldier fly larvae arrived!

    You have an amazing yard - so HUGE! I want.

  7. Hi all- yep I am pretty excited by the composter. The girls have named her Enorma and we constantly need to feed her. She gets very hungry you know?

    Heather...You just crack me up! Yep I have a nice large yard that I am not allowed to have chickens or goats on but I can have my garden, 2 dogs, and 2 kids so I guess it is worth it all!

  8. Enorma - What a great name! That made me laugh out loud. How funny that you've named your composter! Now, if your family had follwed your typical trend, you would have named her something like California or Maryland, right?
