
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Goat Milk Chocolate Pudding - or regular milk will do!

My oldest is still home sick today but at least she is well enough for me to drag her to the Farmer's Market today!

I promised you the Goat Milk Chocolate Pudding - so here it is. I took the recipe from SmittenKitchen and I am so glad that I did!

The only thing that I did differently was using whole goat milk in it! T. thinks of pudding as medicine (his comfort food) so he really loved it! This recipe was soooo easy to make so I tried to make a vanilla pudding yesterday for my little sickie and it didn't turn out so good and was way more work! I would stick with this one if I were you!
Another satisfied customer!

Silky Chocolate Pudding
Adapted from John Scharffenberger, via Wednesday Chef

Serves 6

1/4 cup cornstarch
1/2 cup sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
3 cups whole milk (I used whole goat milk)
6 ounces 62% semisweet chocolate, coarsely chopped (I used good quality semisweet chocolate chips; use 70% bittersweet if you want more of a dark chocolate kick) (I used some leftover chocolate from Christmas baking)
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

1. Combine the cornstarch, sugar and salt in the top of a double boiler. Slowly whisk in the milk, scraping the bottom and sides with a heatproof spatula to incorporate the dry ingredients. Place over gently simmering water and stir occasionally, scraping the bottom and sides. Use a whisk as necessary should lumps begin to form. After 15 to 20 minutes, when the mixture begins to thicken and coats the back of the spoon, add the chocolate. Continue stirring for about 2 to 4 minutes, or until the pudding is smooth and thickened. Remove from the heat and stir in the vanilla.

2. Strain through a fine-mesh strainer (or skip this step if you’re a slacker like me who is absolutely certain that there is nary a lump her puddin’) into a serving bowl or into a large measuring cup with a spout and pour into individual serving dishes.

3. If you like pudding skin, pull plastic wrap over the top of the serving dish(es) before refrigerating. If you dislike pudding skin, place plastic wrap on top of the pudding and smooth it gently against the surface before refrigerating. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes and up to 3 days (ahem, good luck with that).

Oh and onto something totally unrelated...I went onto Foodbuzz this morning and their featured item today is Swiss Chard...Guess who's photo is headlining it? Yep!!! It's mine! Follow the Foodbuzz link on the sidebar to see!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!



  1. Sounds yummy - another recipe of yours for me to try...and it gives me an excuse to experiment with some goat milk!

    Now, about your chard picture...did they ask permission before they used it or was this a total surprise? If they didn't ask first, are you ticked or is this 'part of the business'?

  2. That was probably the best thing that I did with the goat milk. I am all out now so I have to get some more so I can try my hand at yogurt!

    I am one of their featured publishers. They advertise on my site and I get the exposure on (and a nice check that went along with it), I add my posts, pictures, recipes, restaurant reviews and they put them on my profile. It is really kind of neat!

  3. Oh yeah, way to BUZZZZ Judy!

    I love this pudding, it looks totally awesome!

  4. Mmm..chocolate puddin'. Your kid looks like one happy little girl.

    That's so cool that your photo got used! And that you got paid for it!

  5. Judy- Do you use a lot of goat milk? Where do you get it? I bought some goat milk butter at Whole Foods and I really liked it. I'd love to try the pudding this way. My nephews can't have cows milk and this might be a good alternative for them.

  6. I go through about a gallon in about a 1 1/2 week. I use it in anything that calls for milk. My girls love it. You can get it at Sweetwater Sunday Market, closer to you than here. There is a woman there who sells it and chicken and duck eggs. This one is in Tampa though. If you go be sure to check out the chili lady. Her sauces are really good!
