
Thursday, November 1, 2007

I am so scattered today...

I was just saying to my husband that I am so scattered today, with my hands in way too many pots that I can't even figure out what to blog about (I have so much to tell) and you know what he said (very distractedly I might add)..."Blog about that then". Thanks T. Also I should add my thanks to Starbuck's as I am jacked up on caffeine due to a very large Pumpkin Spice Latte!!! So here you have it!

Last night I wanted to send the girls out Trick or Treating with nice full stomachs and I have so many wonderful recipes that I want to try but very limited time to try them in so I went to my folder of "loose recipes" and choose one that I had all of the ingredients for already and started cooking...

I found this recipe on The Left-Over Queen's site. I will post more about her site tomorrow when I tell you all about the Royal Foodie Joust which you will need to go on to vote for my entry in the monthly contest!

Mushroom and Yogurt Tart


2 containers of Crimini (Baby Bella) mushrooms, sliced
½ yellow onion, sliced
3 cloves of garlic, sliced
1 TBS olive oil for sautéing
1 cup Greek yogurt
½ tsp nutmeg
freshly grated pepper
1 handful of fresh spinach
5 pieces of phyllo dough
olive oil for brushing
¼ cup mozzarella cheese


Preheat the oven to 350 F. In a large skillet heat 1 TBS olive oil and add sliced mushroom, onion and garlic. In the meantime, take phyllo dough and fill a tart pan, making sure to brush each layer with olive oil or butter. Blind bake the tart dough for about 5 minutes. Add yogurt, nutmeg and pepper to the mushrooms in the skillet and mix together (yogurt will melt). Add the spinach and cook until just beginning to wilt, then remove from the heat. Spoon the mushroom mixture into the tart and bake for another 15 minutes or until phyllo is golden and crispy. Top with mozzarella cheese and cook for another 2 minutes of until melted and golden brown.

This recipe was truly remarkable. I had never made anything using Phyllo Dough before because I was a little intimidated by it but this recipe made it really easy to work with!

I am also working very hard on my November Newsletter...yes I know it is technically late but there are 30 days in November and one of my friends pointed out to me that as long as I get it out before the month changes I am doing good!!! My goal is much better than that but WOW! is this a busy month for me!!!

On another topic altogether:

I know that you have all heard me rave about the vitamins that we take from Dr. Vince. I tell everyone about these at every opportunity that I get. These have improved the quality of my life in ways that I can't even describe but because of the coffee from earlier I am going to try...

Just over 3 years ago we were involved in a pretty serious car accident. I was taken from the scene by ambulance (was treated and released) T. stayed with the girls, who miraculously as it seems had nothing at all happen to them!!! T. and I are both still treating with Dr.'s and everything else that you can imagine from this accident. I have severe nerve damage in my neck with requires a really gross procedure (which I won't go into here) about every 3-6 months and T. had surgery to fuse 3 vertebrae in his neck just this past April. Despite all of this our lives are still incredibly normal. We do massage therapy, acupuncture, Reiki, and chiropractic treatments. About a year ago T. met Dr Vince at a seminar that they were both attending. T. came back full of hope and promise about these vitamins and supplements. I have always taken a multivitamin but not too much beyond that. I went along with the program because I trust what he says and really thought that it would't hurt anything to try it. After a year he has talked me into multivitamins, Fish Oil, Co-Enzyme Q-10, Whey Protein and Mega Magnesium. I feel better than I have since I was in my early 20's. It has really taken me by surprise. My neck started bothering me pretty bad a couple of weeks ago so I went to my Pain Management Specialist to schedule my procedure. I was absolutely SHOCKED when he told me that it had been 8 months since my last treatment!!! I truly believe that I can credit the improvement to Dr. Vince and his products.

Check his site out if you are at all interested in improving your life, energy and health!!!

Sorry for my crazy ramblings but there is a reason I stopped drinking caffeine a while ago!

As Always...

Happy Entertaining!!!



  1. Thanks so much Judy for doing this recipe! I feel so special!

  2. You are apecial...aren't we all? Besides the recipe was great!!!
