
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Toronto…the finale

So I told you I had fun when I was away right?  But unless you follow me on Twitter or on Facebook (Judy Chiappini) you may not know what exactly I was up to…

It was a friend of mine’s birthday and he invited me to a party at his house…

We had some dips (roasted red pepper and egg plant)…

Some marinated and grilled shrimp…
Grilled Octopus…
Bulgar salad (Paula) (Photo courtesy of Paula @ Dragon’s Kitchen)

Potato Salad (Paula) (Photo courtesy of Paula @ Dragon’s Kitchen)

Grilled Pork Belly…
Homemade Chicken Gyro’s…

with homemade tzatziki, tomatoes, and onions…DSC_0508

And then came the cake…


You see how lucky I am???  Have you guessed who’s birthday it was yet?

Peter @ Kalofagas had a birthday!!!

and I got to meet Paula @ The Dragon’s Kitchen
And Jasmine @ Confessions of a Cardamom Addict
photo courtesy of Paula @ Dragon’s Kitchen

Can you believe how lucky I was to be invited to this Greek feast?  Peter single handedly prepared and served us all night long.  Paula did make the birthday cake and it is by far one of my all time faves…Lemon Meringue Cake!

We were able to meet up with Paula and Peter once again but just for a quick bite to eat after we went to the Science Center to see Harry Potter The Exhibition!  Still a little bit of time with 2 of my favorite bloggers and friends is better than no time at all…

DSC_0297 photo courtesy of Paula @ Dragon’s Kitchen

Loved meeting Paula (xoxoxo) and Jasmine and seeing Peter again!!!  Thank you for making this a memorable trip for me and can’t wait to do it all again next year…lamb on a spit right????


Friday, July 23, 2010


Probably all of you know by now that I am Canadian and come from a city just outside (about 10 minutes) of Toronto.  I wasn’t able to make it up there last year and it hit me really hard so I was determined to make it up there for my Brother-in-Law’s and sister’s birthday this year…

We hung out with dogs and family…





Went to the beach on a very hot and hazy day…DSC_0300

Swam in Marlene’s pool on a very hot and sunny day…

Played at the Ontario Science Center (see how tall and thin we are?)…



And we ate, oh did we eat…





Recipe to come…DSC_0399

Next up is the grand finale!  And what a finale it is…


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Pennsylvania for the 4th of July!

Well we had a great time in DC but really wanted to be far away from the city by the 4th of July.  We were there on the 2nd and the city was already gearing up!

We headed to where Tony is from and spent 5 fun filled days with family.

We picked wild berries…

We played with cousins…DSC_0324

Took some time to smell the flowers…DSC_0327


We had mojitos… DSC_0213

Ran in fields under clear blue skies…DSC_0308

We ate, lots…DSC_0217

We went to the girl’s first drive in movie…DSC_0293

We swam…DSC_0342

We had birthday cake…DSC_0322

Made fire dogs and s’moresDSC_0375

Caught fire flies…DSC_0200 
Watched fireworks being shot into a clear night sky…  DSC_0425


From here Tony sadly headed home and I went on to Toronto with the girls…Much more to come!!!


Wednesday, July 21, 2010


It is summer in the northern hemisphere and I have really been enjoying it to the absolute fullest.  Eating, hanging out with friends (old and new) and family, traveling and eating some more. 

I have picked out some pictures to highlight the first couple of days of our trip to Washington, DC and then to Pittsburgh before we headed to see family for the remaining 2+ weeks.

Washington, DC

DSC_0211 Checking out the dino’s at the Smithsonian

DSC_0252 Crashing the Smithsonian staff picnic in the National Mall


The White House bee keeper’s collecting honey

Pittsburgh, PA (The Strip District)

DSC_0269 Best little donut shop!  Tiny and with little donuts…

DSC_0268 German Chocolate

DSC_0273 Favorite spice shop ever!

DSC_0283 Best sandwiches ever!  White bread, French fries, coleslaw and your choice of meat…very efficient these Pittsburghers!

DSC_0289 Pastrami somewhere under all of the sides…

DSC_0290 Greek treats from one of the street vendors.  Delicious!!!!

DSC_0292 Greek street vendors…

Once we left Pittsburgh we headed to Tony’s family to celebrate the 4th of July and Kyra’s 10th birthday.  More to come…
